16 "Tell me. Who really is this... Desmond?"

        "I crave your pardon, Princess."

It said confused, but not surprised.

      "You did not get the question?"

She asked, slowly looking angered.

       "Sana name; Tama, Demon name; Trauma, Human name; Tehilah."

 It answered, ignoring her expression.

        "Why Tehilah?" She asked, arching a brow.

      "What's wrong with the name?"

       "It gives me a sense of positivity and positivity irritates me."

    Tama liked this idea. It decided not to change its name for the pleasure of seeing Desdemona getting upset.

     "But I didn't just call you here to ask for your name."

     "The child bothers you Princess."Tama said.

      Confused, she asked; ''What child?"

  "Desmond. The one you're looking for." It reminded.

Although her facial expression spoke lack of understanding, Tama knew she understood though she said nothing.

It decided to let her do all the talking and asking of questions.

        "Tell me. Who really is this... Desmond?"

Giggling, it avoided her question, breaking it's decision.

        "Princess, Princess, Princess. What do you want with the innocent boy?"

       With a deadly look she set the Sana on fire. But this fire inflicts all manner of pain humans couldn't imagine. It consumed one inside out. No part is excemted. Tama yelled in pain with the voice of a beast as it hell to it's knees. The noise was unbearable, but Desdemona bore it to gain pleasure watching its pain. Then, she freed him from it's punishment.

         It panted hard for a moment which sped up its recovery. Its beautiful self, consumed by fire, became destroyed.

        It grew angry.Then angrier, preparing itself to attack Desdemona. It could not use much its powers because it was still trapped in the dimension of imprisonment.

      With a speed so remarkable that it couldn't have missed its attack, it charged at Desdemona. The distance between them was about ten feet. But Desdemona didn't flinch at it's attack. Rather , she maintained her position, waiting for him.


       As Tama leaped to consume Desdemona, it's human body shape changed with the speed of light to a mega wolf. It's insisors elongated into unimaginable sized fangs. It's amber nut brown eyes turned flaming red and its claws grew longer, looking sharper than a blade.

            Two feet away from her in the air, chains suddenly wrapped around it's legs, tummy and neck, pulling it with a force it couldn't overcome. It was shocked it couldn't free itself from the grip of the chains because Sanas possess a great deal of strength.

         Angered the more, it grew out dragon wings, trying to pull itself out as it flapped with so much zealousness, mostly to proceed with its attack towards Desdemona. It managed to move closer for a moment. But then-BANG. The chains dragged it back, locking it to the ground. Tama couldn't move.

        The demonic chains slowly drew out its powers, making it weary. As Its powers drained away, it returned back to its human form, laying weakly on the ground. 

         With the chains wrapped around Its legs, arms, midreaf and neck, Desdemona, using he powers, instructed the chains to hold it up, until it knelt upwards, facing her. 

        Swiftly crossing the distance between them, she brought her face close to Rama's and threatened.

        "That didn't answer my question."

Bold stubborn and fearless, Tama replied with a smile curving on its lips.

        "And your threat doesn't also answer my question."

        Its reply brought Desdemona to the conclusion that Sanas only have little respect for their masters. And they fear nothing and no one, no matter what disaster it will bring upon them. Truly, this Sana was way more experienced than Desdemona. She had to prove to it that it can be her master.

        Snapping her fingers, the chains vanished, leaving Tama to the ground. Light-pink smoke emitted from Tama's position. Its powers were being returned. It took a deep breath as lie spread through it, before it rose slowly to face Desdemona, who stood infront of it. 

There was a great difference between their heights.

    "The boy is connected to my goal. That's why I need to know who he is." She said, playing along with Tama's game, feeling slightly defeated.

Tama felt satisfied.

"If he is connected to your goal, then, you are heading towards a full-stop."


    "What do you mean?" She asked with a questioning look.

     It giggled again at her lack of knowledge. She felt angered again but needed to calm down since their conversation was heading somewhere.

      "Let me show you." It said.

     "Look behind you." Tama instructed. 

She obeyed. She wasn't scared it might hurt her because it's powerless as long as it was trapped in the dimension of imprisonment.

"I need you to pay kin attention to everything I'm going to say and reconsider your sucidal mission."

     She breathed in silently as to contain the anger rising within her to cause pain to this Sana Even if it didn't care.

      As it spoke, everything was visualized before her.

     "Desmond. Born spiritually into the home of the supreme and physically into a destiny of chaos. Every man, spirit and beast will hunt for his life because his life will be the solution to their troubles. Those who seen his life will face torments they can never bare and those who move any further, destruction will be their fate. His mother and father are the most powerful witch and beast in the realm of darkness. But he doesn't know who they are...

or who he is"

Tama paused for a moment at his words. It was speaking, spying into Desmond's destiny. Its four last words struck it before Desdemona brought its attention back.

     "That can't be all about him." Thou she felt astonished by the structure and protection of his life and destiny she was looking for his weakness. She needed that to destroy him.

     Tama took a look back at Desmond's destiny. He saw what he didn't want to say. But he had to say it because, although he hates his master, he is still subject to her and her commands.

      "If he discovers the truth of who he is and the power he possesses and believes, his supreme power will be activated. If not, a servant he will be to all the servants that are his. His most priced possession will be stolen. But beware, his calamity will never come to pass until she that holds the stone and bares the mark is killed and the stone destroyed." Tama ended with a burdened mind.

 "Hmm...", she said in a meditating tone, "... so my first mission is to find this girl who bears the mark and holds the stone."

     "Your dismissed." She ordered in ungratefulness. She appeared back to the where her servants were. Tama stood in the same position as it was before and commanded the weeds to wrap it up, releasing the ten before vanishing back to its prison.

     "Ladies...", Desdemona said as they rose, 

"...I have our first mission."