19 Time is up

Pearl watched as the smoke died down and the unknown voice that spoke fade away. She felt hurt for this man she had never met. She didn't know why but seeing how his mother was in pain just reminded her of how her mother was in pain when she was dying. When she was little, she couldn't have ever imagined living a childhood without her parents with her brother. But then, this young man doesn't even have a sibling. The thought of how alone he must have been flashed through her mind. She was brought back to reality by the beautiful woman's fragile expression. She looked like a deep wound had been cut open. 

Breaking the silence, Pearl asked; ''Are you okay miss...". She paused remembering she never got to know her name.

"Aliya" She answered like she was about sobbing. 

  Pearl watched her trying to figure out why the images affected her so much when Aliya spoke.

     "You have to find him Pearl. His existence and yours is a matter of life and death. Many people have suffered and been killed for his life to be sustained. You are the last piece missing. You have to find your place."

     This wasn't making much sense to Pearl. Why her? Why is she the last piece of this story? Does this mean she should abandon her plans of revenge? 

     Thoughts of disbelief flooded her mind because she was a nobody. She was never of any importance to anyone. After her father died, her aunt took her in but she lived hell in where she thought was paradise.

      Why? Her aunt after her mother was a woman with a kind and caring heart. Or so she thought. Her dad helped her when she was having some issues she couldn't quite remember because she was very young then. When her parents died and she was able to escape, she fled to her aunt's house panting, fearing for her life.

      With her little brother in her hands and the scarf tied around her head, she looked at her aunt with hope in her eyes. She knew her aunt wouldn't turn her down. She knew her aunt would pull her in for a hug, taking her brother in for a hug. But when she told her aunt the story her aunt's eyes widened in shock and fear for her own life and family. She stretched out her head, examining if the men followed Sofia down to her house. Once she concluded the fact that Sofia had outrun them, she turned to Sofia and said words Sofia could never have believed could have come out of her in such a situation.

"And you came here looking for help? Are you out of your mind little girl? Run to the next house over there and knock. Maybe they'll help you when they know the kind of father that gave birth to you. Leave before those men spot you here and I and my family will pay for the sins of your father and your mother." 

And she slammed the door at her face.

    Those words cut into her soul like a knife in the heart. She didn't know where else to go. Her cell was at home and she didn't know any of her relations phone numbers. Her heart began to swell as her nightmares flash that reality. Her yearn for revenge grew even stronger but yet, pain and sorrow began overwhelming her when a voice called her voice. At first she thought it was Aliya but the thickness of the voice confirmed it wasn't her.

  Jolting back, she met a pair dark eyes sending a dangerous aura.

    "Your time is up Pearl. Where's the stone?"