21 Slades day

Welcome to Earth, whose mother is Mother Nature. Her oldest spiecy of children are humans. Be warned, they are the smartest, most stubborn and majority, the most heartless. One of her great great great great great ... grandsons owns the most powerful Kingdom in the world which is the Kingdom Of Belshiva .

 Known for its countless victories of wars, slavery, oppression, beautiful women, sorcery and most of all, obedience to it's laws.Fiona is the Princess of Belshiva. 

Every end of six months, King Zevi loved to trade for slaves who would work in his Kingdom. This day was called Slades day, mostly because the people also traded in this day. No one in the Kingdom Is permitted to trade except on this auspicious day. Today being the first Slades day of the year, Fiona was put in charge by her father through request.