28 Master

Darkness loomed around the cave with three little mouslings trapped in it's tentacles of no escape. Two lost in thoughts of it's family outside far beyond his reach and the cat waiting for the time to devour them and the last wondering on how they will escape this trap without exiting the door of death.


      Richard was getting mad and furious at himself. If not for these ladies, everyone one would be safe and sound tonight. 

 "What do you mean 'We can't get out'?. Didn't you just say a moment ago we have to do something to get out of this freaking cave? Why are you messing around?" 


     Rose knew Richard was slowly loosing it. But she didn't know how to calm down his nerves because it's not her fault that they were stuck in here. Unknown to them all they were all part of a hidden prophecy only known by three creatures.