39 Desmond

   Aliya, Zebu, Ruby, Rose and Richard were taken to the dungeon. Ruby and Rose stayed closely together, being best of friends. Seeing each other through was enough comfort to themselves. Richard was at peace that they were all together. But the fact that Pearl was separated from them and was with, of all people, Demona, worried them to the core, because she was the most important person amongst them all to solve this commotions.

The dungeon was located below the palace floors. There wasn't any window to let the rays of light into prison cells. 

    "In you go.", the guard standing by the prison door said, pushing Aliya who was the last of the six entering, and she fell to the ground, worsening her invisible bruises. She groaned while Ruby went to comfort her. The two men looked at the guard in rage as to why he had to push her. All he did was scoff in fulfilment as he locked the prison door and exited with the other guards.


    "Are you okay, Aliya?"