41 She's back

The hall passage out of was indeed the spookiest. It appeared to them that they were underground because they kept climbing stairs that accelerated. They climbed for so long they wondered if the dungeon was a grave set for prisoners. 

     In a flash, Desmond increased his pace up the stairs, Princess copied his every move. The others were finding it hard to keep up, but when the thought of Pearl being disflowered stired up more strength to move on.

     "Stop!" Princess commanded.

Desmond and the others froze not a milisecond more. 


Silence joined their silence, as they all listened. 

   Stumps. Marching. Metal.

"They're heading this way. I think they know we've escaped." Princess spoke in her usual calm tone. It was so emotionless.

    "We have to get out of here."

Rose implicited. 

      "Aliya!" Ruby called.


    "On it." She answered.