49 There


He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. His muscles intensified and the ground below his feet became an engravement of the shape of his feet. Princess stood erect, wondering why a simple question could trigger such anger in him.

       She decided to push him little further. 

   "Is it what happened at the palace?"

She was right. What she didn't know was that the sight of Pearl shedding a tear triggered his powers greatly negatively. The good thing was that it was directed towards Demona.

      ''What happened in there?"

Desmond calmed down when the thought of him strangling Demona at that time played in his head. He played it over and over again until his mind settled. He breathed in deeply.


   - - - - 

    After Aliya clapped her hands, everyone got separated. They should have been separated in the same area but another spell interfered. It was purple in colour. Everyone vanished but only Aliya got to the safe destination.