51 Beast of no return

     At last, she reached the end of the wall. Something was off. The path to the hall was as dark as the night although it was still daytime. The long curtains gave a dark chill in the atmosphere. She heard the sounds of the ugldrs getting closer and closer. She wanted to proceed but she wanted to be sure the path of the hall was safe.

      Using her powers, she searched for the end of the hall with her eyes. She found the door but something seemed to be standing in its way. She couldn't see what it was for some reason. At this point, the ugldrs were much more closer than before. She looked around, racking her brain with Pearl still unconscious in her arms. The curtains were ebony and scarlet. Plus, they were long enough to hide behind. But that would prove pointless because ugldrs ran on walls, mostly not on the ground.