66 You

The young man's shop was highly underestimated. It was too fabulous for it not to sell. Princess in her detached expression, secretly admired the beauty of clothes. A few caught her eyes and she wanted to try them out.

Just then, the young man rushed in to the shop with Desmond who was hurriedly carrying Pearl. He laid a mat behind the counter and Desmond put her down there.

She was waking up. Princess didn't know whether to feel that as a good thing or a bad thing. She watched them gaze upon her as her lashes flicked open. The first words she whispered was; '' The map."

"Pearl...are... you okay?"

Desmond asked, cupping her face, feeling her temperature. She felt warm now that she was inside.

Yet, she didn't answer him. All she said again was; "...where's...the map? The map."