84 The Bridge Of Separate Worlds 17

"Where is she?"

"Ah!", Pearl cried painfully.

She began to lose consciousness before she fell to the ground. Luckily, Black caught her just in time before she hit the floor and the others rushed to her rescue.

" Pearl! Pearl!"

Aliya cried, trying to shake her to consciousness.

Desmond was right behind her. Aliya handed Pearl to Desmond. Desmond was astounded. He had no words.

"What's wrong with her Aliya?"

As he uttered these words, he felt a thick substance roll unto his palm. His eyes widened in confusion. Then he realized that her arms and thighs were bleeding.

''What's wrong with Pearl!" He demanded.

Flames approached them and the others gave way.

She raised her palm and a flame grew from it. Somehow a video was playing through it. Swiftly, she took her hands up then down and fire landed on the ground and ascended. So fire was burning from the ground and spread wide enough so the video could be seen by everyone.