87 The Bridge Of Separate Worlds 20 [I'll take her]

 Flames was in the lead, leading the way for the others. Black and the carriage was behind her with Zebu. Flames cleared the bushes and branches that might be in the way while Aliya broke off any vine that held on to the wheels while Black ran. The howls were heard in the distance. Aliya looked back in panick wondering what all that was.

"Do you think we got away?"

She yelled as she galloped on Stella.

Flames didn't reply in the rush but Aliya knew she heard her loud and clear. She wasn't getting silence for an answer because she didn't fully trust Flames. She was curious to know how she knew that Princess and Pearl are one; the same personality, only divided into two different persons.

Impatient, she galloped past Zebu that she was almost close to Flames.

"Didn't you here me, torchlight?"