1 With Demona

Cuffed to the hospital bed, Sofia finally crawled back to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, while her eyes swam out of the sea of blurriness. 

She was just about to look around, still having intact her memory from the day before when he spoke;

"Are you finally awake, or do you still wish to slumber for another day?"

She spotted him. The dark figure in a black outfit. His body was perfect, too complete. 

"Demona!" She groaned in pain. 

She moved her cuffed hand to adjust position, but that did not work. She was feeling quite perturbed lying down for so long. 

"Au!" She squeaked. 

Demona attention was drawn to her sound. He watched her wince in pain from the handcuffs. Snapping his fingers, he made the cuffs vanish, realizing the hurt Sofia. He approached Sofia to sit next to her. She just watched in an almost stoic manner.