4 Master's Bed

The air was cool and the sun began to return home. The pathway was complemented by the flowers on the sides of different kinds. The bushes flaunted their unique styles while the water fountain remained stoic in it's beauty.

Only one thing did not belong to this gorgeous and expensive environmental; an ambulance that entered into the mansion from the small me. Demona exited the ambulance with Sofia's body in hand. 

Almost instantly, a butler opened the door to the mansion, running at him with a few more men and maidens.

"Sire! Oh! Sire! What is this you have done again?"

"Shut up, Bob!"

He swallowed hard, hmphing like the butler he was.

Demona was cool with Bob. It was an odd name for a butler to begin with. Moreover, Bob was one of the most wanted criminals; in the top twenty as Demona would classify. He decided to help him and give him a life of simplicity, serving him of course, and keeping him away from the government.