11 Dinner

"No buts. We can't help her. Only she can help herself."

"I only fear one thing, and that's when she realizes what she's capable of."

Just then, Sofia groaned, slight painfully, drawing the attention of both three of them. 

"Oh! No! Demona she is waking up! What are we going to explain to her?" 

Aliya asked, very concerned.

Sofia is not supposed to try and remember anything from the dark world unless it will affect her and worst of all, complicate things. 

Again, she moaned, like a sleeping child crawling back to reality. 

"You guys should leave. She should not see you all yet. Tell the others to meet here by night fall. You both too should tag along. We have to come up with a plan and soon."

Tama and Aliya nodded in comprehension.

"You are right about that. I have been having a bad feeling about Desmond. It's the fact that I don't know what he is planning with kill that bothers me."