29 First question

Sofia was beginning to panick, unknown to Demona who was busy doing his findings. She had so many questions while she saw memories she doubted ever occured. Moreover, the olaces in these memories looked odd and strange, and the way they moved from one place to another, was like skipping into different trances at once.

It was almost too much for her to take. It was all like a movie to her. A movie that was not real, and yet it had so much effect. Her greatest question was why she was seeing two of herself. One innocent and fragile, the other daring anf dangerous.

Coming back to reality, she took in deep breaths, one at a tike until her breathing stabled. She grabbed hold of her neck, almost feeling the pain from the strangle. 

Then she looked conplainfully at Demona;

"I thought you said nothing wrong was going to happen."

"Of course, I did." He said confidently, checking if there were marks on her neck like she was really strangled in reality.