31 Plan A gone wrong

"You come into my room . . ." Sofia heard her self at the 'my room' part, looking down at the ground. There was no need to stop; she encouraged herself to keep talking.

". . . uninvited. I do not know you." She looked up to catch her gaze.

"But for some reason you know me." 

She tilted her head a bit.

"You do not tell me why . . . or how . . . And you expect me to follow . . . A nobody." 

Kail clenched her fist at her last words. 

She breathed in, to remain calm and not offended.

"I'm just trying to save you from Demona."

Sofia furrowed at her words. Demona was not all bad as she was making him to sound. That is, if you got to know him better.

"What do you mean?" She interrogated.

"He has not told you what is going on yet, has he?" Kial said simply, like Demona had not done what she expected him to have for a very long time.