41 Dragon

"Oh my God!"

Someone cried from far off in the town, in the turbulence.

"Get inside, everyone!"

Everyone and everything was in chaos, trying to find shelter. Only few running to safety could see what exactly was going on from afar.

A child had been playing far off in on the grassy field far away from her house. She was playing with her toy airplane. When the strong wind began, her play of pretend became more interesting, and she began to spread her hands pretending to fly like a plane. 

But as she did, she stopped abruptly. The wind was becoming scary. She noticed with her little mind, it was blowing more dangerously than usual. Then she started to here screams around, and possibly people yelling to take shelter. She looked back , and around, she had wondered off too far that she could not spot her house from her short height.

Then she began to sob. What she going to do now? How was she going to get home?