55 Grey eyes: One minute to midnight

Kill and Sofia were est I'll staring into each other's eyes, when another of Sofia's powers activated; being able to see someone's past.

It was so sudden, so unexpected, that it left Sofia imbalanced mentally.

Desdemona was reading herself to attack Kill when its eyes suddenly almost went blind all of a sudden. They looked grey like it couldn't see.

She left her defence position, and looked up at Kill confused. In wisdom, she noticed Kill was looking blindly in the distance, not moving a muscle but its breath was loud and heavy.

She saw Sofia, and turned to look at her too in the distance. She too looked lost in a world Desdemona did not know of. And Desdemona saw well, Sofia too looked like she had instantly gone blind. It looked like either Kill was the one that took her, or she took Kill to a world oy their minds could see. But Desdemona was not going to wait around to find out who was controlling whom. She had to act fast.