62 Second eye


Sofia exclaimed, looking at her outside their shield.

She could barely walk well on her feet, while she tried to take cover with her hands over her head.

Sofia ran at the sphere, placing her hand on its walls, knowing that she could not go outside, because it was too dangerous.

The flying creatures of both darkness and light were almost picking her up in their fight.

She looked hurt, because she was limping her way through.

She wanted to go, but then, she remembered Desmond telling her not to make such rash decisions if they were to make it out alive.

"Desmond!" She called him, in such a way that said: "Please, help her!"

But when she had called him, she saw that he was already busy helping Aliya in the distance. 

Before she knew it, he had already created another shield to protect Aliya.

She was just a few meters away.

She was a bit surprised that he had done it without her asking.