75 Breaking free

"I saw you fall into the pool. I was not sure it was you, so I came to confirm."

Pure looked at him, and he locked his gaze with hers.

"Why?" She asked. She could not find a reason why he came to check up on her because she was perfectly fine.

"I was concerned about you." 

He ended. 

Pure was a bit stunned. 

'He was worried about me?'

Her mind drifted off back to the words of Divine. Then suddenly, she felt a pulse within her. A pulse of anger. It was rising and rising, and Pure just could not understand it. 

She began to wonder if it was because she had at the back of her mind that Demona was not being honest with her, and was spying on her for whatever plans he had. 

Her heartbeat accelerated slowly while her expression turned into a frown.

She folded her fists because she could not explain the anger.

Demona frowned in concern;

"Are . . . You okay?"

She threw a sharp glance at Demona.