73 Who is the one with D?

"And number three . . ."

Divine trailed off, and was silence for some moments.

Pure became concerned.

"Speak, Divine." 

Divine growled a bit before uttering another word.

"The one with a D will betray you soon."

It uttered lastly, and Pure was speechless. Her mind was raging on who it could be. 

She stood up and waved her fingers, dismissing them all, and her throne, with the guards and Divine all went back into the pool. Part of the water from the pool levitated around Pure, changing her back to the way she looked before. Her hair healthy brown, her elegant white dress, and nothing but natural skin and face. 

Afterwards, the water she stood on rose until she was back to the rock hanging out at the edge where she jumped from.

She stood there, as she watched the water return back to its normal state; still and calm.