
I Feel Sorry For Air

As Pent with no heistation utterly destroyed the fleeing bandits. Then Freya came to him with anger.

"You had no reason to do that!" she said

"I did it because I wanted to, that is reason enough"

Pent replied as he saddled up back to his horse and went on a head and Freya went back to her carriage and I complete ignored just minded my owm business and went back up to my horse.

Later on Freya was now on guard and riding her own horse and both Lent and I were on front and she the went near to me and Pent sped up.

Well now is my chance to have some of that main character event I thought to myself as I talked to her.

"I'm sorry about Pent"

"Don't worry about it" she said to me as she caught up to Pent

Why does no one care about me? Damn just when I thought I was somewhat important but then again so is air yet is still always ignored. My conclusion is people only care about what they see, no matter how important it is people will forget it if they can't see it like air or birthdays and in addition to that I conclude I am invisible although not as important as air but just equally ignored.

A few minutes later Pent and Freya was arguing well it was Freya who mostly talked and Pent mostly didn't care and I was too jealous to listen any further so I decided to go to the rear end and while doing so I noticed most of the people in the caravan were slaves and poor workers which was peculiar for such expensive goods being sold and how rich the owner was.

This is life I guess where the laborers don't always get their pay and the hardworkers don't always get their results and even if you do completely nothing like Pent or the owner you will still get what others wanted as long as life thought you were relevant.

In the end of the caravan it much quite because this was where the slaves were made to stay exhausted and hungry, I thought Freya had it bad but in the end she was still a main character it is usually the side characters that suffer badly, without reason or anything in exchange.

As I was riding my horse I saw a peculiar slave who was starved way more than the others and was caged and as our eyes met I could see that it was a young woman all skin and bones probably my age but what was most noticeable was the hopelessness in her eyes fighting so hard but almost  near to giving up.

Seeing her state I felt pity for her and took out the food I had kept last night which thankfully was still intact and gave it to her and as I handed it to her she took it gratefully devouring it as if it was her last and as she looked back at me she was crying as if it was the first time anyone has been kind to her. Seeing it just now the other slaves then called to me asking for some food, welp there goes everything in my bag.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" a man shouted and basing from his garments it would seem he is also a merchant. Having all sorts of jewelry around him and such a big body I could see where all the payment for the laborer goes.

"I had a few snacks in my bag I just gave some to them"

"You have no right to do that to MY slaves!"

"If you just fed them properly I wouldn't have to you pig!"

As I said that the man had his carriage closer to me and hit me so hard I fell off my horse and stumbled down and the slave in the cage upon seeing me went wild like an animal after seeing it's mother shot she shouted and tried to hit the man and when she did the man became furious and as I ran toward the caravan I could see the man beat the girl senseless and he then took out a crossbow preparing to shoot the girl's head.

This girl was the first who ever noticed me and the first to ever show her care and right now she's dying because of that, I cannot let her die I just can't!

As I ran I remembered something, a simple but effective movement enhancement spell I learned from Fallow, heh I guess I owe her one now I though to myself as with sonic speed I charged at the man with all my strength punched his stomach which made him fall to the ground later on having his head crushed by the caravan.

Not long after hearing the cracking sound of the slaver's head th caravan stopped and everyone was heading towards here.

I just killed a man, a wealthy merchant at that. Even if I was to say it was an accident being a foreigner causing the death of a high ranking commoner they'll have my head.

I guess it's not the best way to die but if I was to die I guess it was by saving someone which isn't the worst.

"You didn't save her, you just prolonged her death by a day" said a slave in the very back, I barely noticed him earlier because he was always just silent there but something was peculiar about him.

"You not from this country are you?"

He continued

"No I'm not"

I replied

"I thought so, anyone from here would know that slaves have no value"

"That's terrible!"

"Call it what you want but slaves are the reason Euphillia became the wealthy country it is today"

He paused for a second and continued.

"After the trial both you and that girl will be persecuted under the charges of murder"

"What do I do to save her then?"

"That's simple you–"

He was cut off by the scream of the owner seeing the corpse of his fellow merchant.

We were then commanded to go out of the caravan along with the slaves. And I finally get to see the slave at the back and now I can see clearly the peculiar V shaped scar in his neck.

"What have you done boy!"

"It was an accident I–"

"The girl slave did it" the man with the scar cut me off

"Your friend was about to kill her with that crossbow and she pushed him and as he fell the horses crushed his head"

He continued I could not talk, he probably used magic to stop me from talking.

"I see, I'll kill her then" said the owner as he took that godforsaken crossbow

"Wait! The slave is obviously lying it could only be that adventurer boy that has enough power to push the merchant" Freya interrupted.

"I seen you do have a point" said Pent as he used his magic to tie me down along with the girl

"I'll kill them" Pent continued.

"They may run away take Freya and kill them somewhere far from here" commander the owner.

They both then followed and brought us far and later on Pent freed us and Freya brought our horses.

"What?" only now was I able to talk and I didn't have time to be specific either.

"It's alright the man explained it to us using telepathy magic you run away with her"  Freya said

"And Pent?" I asked

"I'm coming with you ofcourse, you seem to always do some fun stuff"

Fun wouldn't be a word I'll describe it.

"How about you Freya?"

"Sadly I'll have to stay with that greedy merchant there's a lot more slaves to be freed but maybe I'll join you later on"

"Thankyou Freya" I said

"Alright stay out of trouble now"

She said and she and Pent looked at each other for a while and we parted ways.