
I know I said I have no plot armour but goddamn I was lucky!

I had nothing to come back to but there was one person who helped me, even at the expense of his own status and I have always admired Alister for being the person I could never be, relevant and heroic.

Alister was just a wealthy nobleman who his parents used as a ticket to claiming the throne and he was alone for most of his life with the sole exception of his master. One day he woke up a different person and I don't know anymore of the details but perhaps one day when I am passed all these problems and I go back to my village I can go ask him more about it, he is the only friend I have left after all.

Going back to my problem it is that I'm weak and in 2 weeks time I will be facing this one of country's strongest knight and maybe Alister might have a chance in beating him but I don't but I am still given a chance to try and I won't waste it.

Alister has been kind enough to help me train and give me a place to stay, a house with 4 rooms and a spacious backyard which is actually lucky we have since he was just exiled a while ago. In this house me, Alister and the love of my life Viollette lives and as much as I'd like to talk more with Viollette I first needed to train and by the time I finish I'm usually to tired to do anything and just pass out in my room.

As a teacher Alister was great almost but not as good as Angus and in a span of 2 weeks I've never felt more tired in my life because if Angus' style was adding in danger Well Alister's was making you work till the very limit and do it everyday to reach the full potential.

Inevitably my fight was going to arrive and I just never expected it to be this soon, when I was training time felt like it was excruciatingly slow but when it comes to breaks it went by in an instant and today is my fight with Winchester and my feet was shaking from all the nerves.

I had a moment to spare before the fight and I had already said my goodbyes to Alister as we trained and he had a conflicted look in his eyes knowing Winchester's ability after all made it clear how at disadvantaged I am but he said to just have faith in myself, hah! Confidence don't help weaklings like me.

In my last moment I called upon Viollette and outside the arena she waited for me.

"I'm not quite used to you being looking so elegant" I teased

"Would you rather I dressed in rags again then?"

"I still think you're beautiful either way"

"Haha, your not so bad yourself"

"Hey um listen Viollette"


"There's been something I've been meaning to say to you"

"Don't go stuttering before your big fight now"

I then took her hand and put my head on her shoulders.

"I... I'm.. Terrified, and I know I won't live through this so before I die I would like you to know that I have fallen madly inlove with you, and meeting you may have left me here but if I had to do it again I would, over and over again just to keep seeing your smile"

She fell silent for that moment but it was fine, I may not be with her and I have accepted my fate I'm satisfied with just this, my final moment together with the woman I love.

I pulled myself together and moved on to the arena as Viollette stayed stiff there and before I reach the door she called out to me.

"Survive! When we meet after you win I'll give you my answer"

Hahaha, you can't reject me in fear it will affect my battle face huh that's fine. I love you was never a question to begin with, there is no need for an answer.

I kept going keeping my tears from flowing as I prepare myself. I have trained as much as I could and I'm prepared for whatever the results would be.

As enter the arena I was lost and wandered aimlessly until I reached a room with a golden door and above it was a man wearing a King's garmnent and his face was one I remembered as in my adventure with Angus, he was Rexius Tiberius, the king of Euphilia.

I stayed a bit and listened to him as he spoke with a Knight next to him.

"Damn it why didn't just kill the little ant? Did you really bribe the warden?"

"Yes your majesty, but an influencial Knight went in the way"

"Sigh, no matter once the poor little foreigner dies I will wage war upon Sandeith for killing my outlaw and interfering in the affairs of Euphilia and after that we conquer Regara next!"

What! If I lost Euphilia will wage war? But I can't win! Even if I could Euphilia would just pursue me anyway and then have me killed and accuse Sandeith of killing me, there is nothing I can do.

I ponder to myself for a while when a knight found me and escorted me in the main arena where Winchester was waiting wearing a leather breastplate and a normal looking sword.

"I was afraid you wouldn't show up" He told me.

"I was obligated to, I couldn't let your chivalry go to waste" I replied politely for Winchester gave me a chance and if it wasn't for him I would be dead by now and I respect him .

"Pardon my clothing for I decided to give you a handicap, I hope your not offended"

"Not at all, it's not enough of a handicap if you ask me"

"haha sorry but I cannot give you anymore"

And with that final exchange our swords met. I decided early on to reveal my cards already as I bring out one sword after another and throw it at him on which he dodged with ease but it helped making him back off and stay on the defence.

I decided to stall this fight best I could until Alister or Viollette realize the king of Euphilia is present under a hidden quarter in this arena from which he can also see that fight.

Ofcourse things didn't go as planned as Winchester eventually found an opening and used it to beat me mercilessly, ofcourse as much as this knight isn't one to play in the battle field he still realized that through and through this battle is still a performance hence he didn't immediately go for the finishing blow but instead used the back of his sword or kicks to beat me first giving the bloodthirsty audience what they wanted.

I have been beaten before, I have suffered tortures that lasted hours but just a few minutes in the ring with this beast is almost making me lose consciousness as he was powerful in both speed and strength and going back and forth with his punches was a pain I cannot describe.

Winchester is man to be feared, and I already knew this but I never expected that he didn't even need to bring out his magic. Wait that's it! He isn't using magic so all his attention is focused on his body, I just need to have enough time to throw a dagger in Rexius' direction and hope it kills him and an election be held to replace him which will give everyone a little time to prepare before the great war.

Losing and going back to consciousness I try to aim my magic. I've managed to do it once before, making a sword fly that is and I just need to do it one last time before Winchester finishes me off I have to kill Rexius!

Magic is something like a 6th sense to us and one cannot easily explain how it operates like how it's impossible for a blind man to understand the concept of color I cannot explain how I try to create a sword and make it go flying to the head of the King but to put it on simple terms I'm trying to create a sword just between two particles of air and since air naturally avoids being compressed it will immediately separate and make a push that will send my sword flying.

Winchester finally stopped beating me and brandished his sword for a clean and elegant final strike and that gave me the chance to release the sword which did manage to go flying towards a tower nearby where Rexius was watching from.

The unexpected thing was Winchester took the dagger head on, while in barely a second caught it. Lightning was his magic and he can create it and teleport to where it hit but anyone with basic understanding of lighting knows that it's mostly unpredictable and hard to control which is why upon his teleporation the dagger pierces his heart.

Everyone was surprised and confused. Why would the knight kill himself? Did the foreigner cheat? And all became clear as we looked upon the trajectory of my dagger and it seemed that the wind blew it off to the wrong direction and it was headed toward the King of Sandieth, King Warrentide Clossour.

Had Winchester not have the quick reflexes and fast magic it would have killed the King with no one even noticing and war would inevitably occurred one sidedly against Regara so in a way Winchester saved me once more but this time it cost him his life.

Falling I caught the dying knights' body and he looked at me with utter disgust and my last words to him was an apology but his was.

"I should never have given you the chance"

Well it's true goddamn it! Why did you save me? Why did I have to be the one who takes away your honour? I feel like shit, here is the only man who defended me when my friends were nowhere and I killed him in the worst possible way.

Putting his body down I quickly run away while the crowd remains confused of what happened.

I'm running away I don't care who try to stop me! I can't fight anymore, I can't keep living like a cockroach popping up where I'm not supposed to be and just escape once I've made a mess of everything.

I don't deserve to cry, I don't deserve my life! I should have stayed in my fucking village and stayed insignificant rather than cause all of this! Now I have caused a war and with my selfish reasons I have only brought tragedy to whoever I meet. To Pent, Alister, Tron,Terri, and Aldan I'm sorry.