
Hehe, No seriously

So you must be dissapointed that I tricked you, well honestly I have no idea how I am still alive as well shit went down.

The morning came when me and Angus was going to have our kamikaze mission and we'll Angus was as nihilistic as always as he smoked while we walked to the abandoned village my bandit friends previously ransacked.

"Even as we're about to die you still act all Carefree and mysterious Angus"

"Hehe it takes some practice"

"Can you finally tell me about your past then? We are going to die after all"

Usually Angus would just ignore me and go to sleep but now he actually thought about it.

"Let's see, I was a lost kid like you once"


"Orphan, my village was destroyed"

"How did you survive then?"

"Always on the run, I ate everything I could. Did everything to have connections that could save me from the Augus clan"

"Augus clan?!"

"Yeah they specialise hunting magic beasts like me and running away was futile, despite escaping they still hunted me down later on involving Euphilian armies so that day I decided I no longer wanted to be their prey so I trained myself and travelled the country in search for them, I even named myself Angus just one word different from Augus to be a constant reminder that Angus Harqua will always be close"

"Your a magic beast?"

"A dragon hahaha surprised?"

"What?! So you were the one who destroyed Regara in the future?"

"In my true form I might, see we magical beasts have true names which when called will release all our power making us the textbook dragons you see and fear but many of us has hidden that and lived on among humans peacefully"

"So the Euphilian king knows your true name?"

"Perhaps, but hey he'll never be able to say it because we'll kill him"

I just realized something, in another time line would Angus have killed Prince for being an Augus? Would they be enemies? I have affected many timelines like Pent's who was supposed to be with Swallow and not Freya or Alister who was supposed to be king. All of these alternate timelines were changed by Barron using me, in a way its messed up.

"Hey Angus, thanks for everything. You were the best mentor I could ever ask for"

"Hahaha maybe we really were destined to meet, it's nice dying with you kid"

Not long after large hordes of armies came from both sides and the Kings were present.

Angus and I waited for the perfect moment when both armies were inside the village and once that happened Angus whispered 2 words in my ear.

"Hero right? "

Then with all his strength threw me and blew himself up with an explosivity that could be heard from the entire country and an explosion do powerful it left a giant crater of where the village once was leaving nothing, not even corpses behind.

I alone survived but not unharmed, half of my body was caught up in the explosion burning my face and my left arm and leg.

I am barely alive as I write this chapter and I only have one reason for it. It's for you mom and dad, my brothers, my family. I have dragged my name in the ground and I'm connection yours and our family will be treated as demons for my acts. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I couldn't be the son or brother you could be proud of, I'm sorry I just ran away without looking back, and I'm sorry that I won't be coming home.

But listen to my story because it might be unbelievable and sometimes painful to read but its my truth, it's the truth of a simple boy who just couldn't accept being ordinary, this is the truth of a son who lost his life for a world that despises him.

With all my remaining strength I go back to the village Triton, similar to that of my country both named after the Hero first to destroy the demons but this time its the place of someone treated as a devil will die.

Many saw me but no one would dare approach, I mean I am a man with a brunt face and anyone who knows me knows I caused the war but someone did eventually reach me and it was Viollette.

"Red what happened to you!"

"You... Know.. Just... Went... Sunbathing"

I try to joke as I could barely breath and my vision blurs.

"You idiot stop! Let's get you treated"

"I'm going die.... By the hand.... Of... My... Friend"

"Alister has destroyed your name!"

I just smiled telling her it was my plan all along.

She looked at me as tears rush her face and then she touched mine, it was cold and my body was burning up and I didn't have much strength left but I have to reach the plaza.

" let me help"

I just slap away her hand not letting her be seen with me and I then took my book and gave it to her.

"Give...this...to my family"

"I will publish this! Someone needs to know your story!"

"Hahaha...then...no one....would..take...the...blame"

"It doesn't have to be you! Let's go to a different world together Red! Let's leave this mess and get married, have children and you'll name them literal names too!"

I smile at the thought of that but I have made my choice and I have to see it through, for the sake of Angus, Barron, and Alister. I will end this.

I keep walking while Viollette tries her best to stop me without having to do it physically.

"I'll make sure your story is heard! I'll go to every world and tell them of your deeds! It will be named Unseized because through everything that has happened you have took your own path, may it be my father or destiny you didn't let anyone keep you from doing what's right. I admire you Red Preage! "

" I...would…have…called it… better than Prince the musical"

Although tears kept flowing from within her face she gave me bright smile which just made everything feel a little bit better, my only regret is that I'll never see that smile again.

"I love you Viollette"

From behind me she said

"My name is Terri Cage, you have given me life Red and I love you!"

That was the last I'll see of her and in the plaza Alister stood alone trying desperately not to show his emotion but looked like he was about to fall apart.

The hard part is over my friend, all you have to do is create the conclusion.

With barely any strength left I walk towards him and with the remaining power I had shouted.

"I am the devil!"

And instantly Alister stabbed me, with a sword of my own magic which I gave him. After that he hugged me as I lose my consciousness I say one sentence.

"I am Unseized"