Chapter 7:Pain from the past

!!!ATTENTION VIEWERS:This chapter is a little dark so here's a heads up before you start reading also I would like to thank those of you who voted with power stones I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters and this novel.

Madara was on his knees screaming out in pain it felt like his head was splitting it was just like the nightmares he had but memories from his past life as Joe also kept on appearing also.Madara suddenly saw himself in a white room and in front of him was the g man and himself when he was Joe,He saw himself in the introduction for when he was about to get reincarnated.Madara found that he kept on seeing every memory from Joes life including the ones he pushed deep down inside.In front of Madara was a little boy with blood all over him Madara recognized the boy because it was him(when he was Joe)it was one of the memories he hated the most and tries to forget.

The boy than looked at Madara with a big grin on his face and started to mouth some words but no sound was coming out but Madara was able to make some out and the one that sent chills down his spine was David and murderer.Madara was than transported to with the little boy to another one of his memories where he was getting beat by a man in his mid twenties while some girls watched and laughed.Tears started dropping down Madara's eyes as he was reliving the day he forced himself to put in his past and forget of the girls said"Good job David here take my belt your hands look messed up and make sure to make him scream 3 times me and the girls are making bets".David took the belt from the girl and started to beat down on Joe who was begging him to stop but David ignored him and kept on beating him.Joe screamed out in pain 5 times which pissed off one of the girls who gave David the belt,She than got up and began to kick and stomp on Joe with he heels for making her lose the bet"you stupid little shit you made me lose 50 bucks you little bastard you deserve to die you pathetic little shit".

She than went back to her seat and started to chug down some alcohol "okay come on continue I bet he'll be able to scream 7 times hurry up David make the pathetic loser cry".David than looked down at Joe with a huge grin on his face and started to beat him again Joe kept on screaming in agony because of the pain and wished for it all to be over.Madara's eyes were like a flowing river with tears dripping down his face seeing everything happen from when he was just a innocent child who was hated for being born.Madara looked at the boy that was next to him that forced him to watch and started to yell"why are you showing me this please just stop it already I know my life was shit just please stop this already".The boy looked to him with a frown on his face and said"we're just getting started you better prepare for what's to come".

Madara than found himself in the body of the boy on the floor and before he could gather his thoughts he felt pain on his back and looked to see 4 people standing over him one was David and the rest were the girls.They all began to stomp on Joe who stood there on the floor with his hands covering his face while tears dropped down his face "please stop it I beg you your my family you shouldn't be doing this"Joe yelled.All of a sudden the kicking stomped and Joe looked up to see 4 faces looking at him with disgust and hate in their eyes,"what did you just say"one girl said"you call us your family we stopped being a family when you took our mother away from us"David said"you deserve what's happening to you you little bastard"another girl said.They all began to stomp and Joe again and that's when he remembered they were right it was his fault he was the one that took their mothers life and it was all just because he was born that Joes mother died when she gave birth he was an outcast in his family everyone hated him including his own father and siblings who looked at him as just another poor person on the street.

Joe than got up and stood on his feet full of anger and hate he wasn't the weak little boy anymore he was Madara Uchiha the man that rose from the ashes of death to becoming a god who no one was able to defeat.Madara than found himself back in his body and in front of him was his four siblings who found all filled with fear Madara looked in the mirror and found that he was in his 6ix paths mode he than looked at his siblings and pulled out a sword and began to cut them all down each one by one with the horror and fear still on their lifeless bodies.Madara than turned to the boy of Joe that was right next to him with a big grin on his face he said"good you've now overcome the one fear that held you back from unleashing your full power now go and make the world your own personal playground Madara Uchiha".

Madara than woke up and found himself back on the roof on the floor and he looked down and saw that he was in his 6ix paths mode and was able to unlock his true potential from that dream world.Madara than stood up and said"I am now a god and a god should never sit down on the ground but should rise up and take what is his the world is now mine everything is now mine"Madara than looked at the moon and decided if he should make the whole world go into a genjutsu but decried not to because he wouldn't have anyone to fight and someone out there might be able to make him have fun.

The g man was sitting back on his desk with a huge smile on his face and said "finally now it's time to have some fun I wonder who I should put into his world to entertain me some more.The g man than broke out into a psychotic laugh like the joker and began to look through a book.Ah yes you would be perfect I hope this one will bring me even more fun".