Former personnel

Adam looks over the document again.

It's the list of people on Damon's secretarial team—past and present. A total of ten people, eleven if you include him. Lucy's name is at the top, right underneath the words 'FORMER PERSONNEL,' along with her work history, yearly evaluation, and reason for leaving.

Adam is more than impressed by what he sees, but that isn't what catches his eye. Below Lucy's profile is a name he's unfamiliar with.

"Miss Trina," he calls out to one of the most senior employees on the team, "who's this Anna here?"

Trina doesn't stop typing, keeping her eyes trained on the word processor on her screen, when she says, "Oh! Her?"

"It states that she worked closely with Lucy when she was here." He reads over it again to make sure, and he's right. She was hired two months after Lucy became the Head Secretary, but quit more than a year ago.