Sons of the Lin Family (2/2)

"Do you miss going to work?" Collin asks Dylan slowly, with no teasing or playfulness in his voice.

Although Dylan doesn't feel himself stiffen in the Alpha's embrace, Collin does. The Alpha pulls his Omega back, blanket and all, in an unspoken apology. The question sounds light, almost like he's asking about the weather, but they both know it's not true.

A moment passes with nothing but Dylan releasing his heavy pheromones in the room, conveying the feelings his mind is too slow to process. On automatic, Collin releases his own to appease the swirl of downcast pheromones they're in. 

"Yes," Dylan says with no emotion in his voice. "I miss being on set."

Collin says nothing, merely scenting the blanket Dylan is covered with. Dylan looks like he has more to say, so he gives his Omega the space to do that.

"I miss having my makeup done and reading scripts in my dressing room. I miss hearing the director yell, 'Cut. Good job.' I miss acting."