Chpater 4:A commander named Gabi


Polpol shouted at Gabi, she was still fighting with security guards, but Odachi immediately covered his mouth.

-Hey hey ... I know it's not a good idea but, pay attention!

Odachi said, maintaining posture.

-I will command this, okay? Let's leave Gabi there for now, she is being a good distraction! She's getting along well with the security guards and if we get in there

we can die. Let's take another path.

Odachi said and followed another path with Hexilador and Polpol. They found an area of ​​the city that was a few blocks from where Gabi was, the area was

destroyed and there were several buildings destroyed that were dangerous, at any time they could collapse, only 5 buildings were in good condition.

There were several unrecognizable bodies lying on the ground, the smell of the city was obviously unpleasant for the 3. What had happened there to have

so many bodies and so much destruction? They had no idea.

-H-Hey ... Would it be a good idea to stay here?

-Polpol, don't miss your first mission. Even if there's a devil here, we have to kill him.

-Ugh, what are we going to do here Hexilador ?! There's nothing here but bodies.

-There's nothing, but we can do it!

Odachi said standing in front of the two.

-Here is a good place for us to hide or make sneak attacks. Count this place as our temporary base!

-How can you think of these things? You have madness and genius within you, and especially courage.

Polpol replied, very startled. The 3 started investigating the destroyed area and Hexilador was curious about the 5 buildings that were not destroyed, so he entered

in one of the buildings and started investigating the small park that was at the entrance to the building. He saw a tree house that was broken and with rotten wood, several

termites eating the wood and the tree made strange noises that the loose woods made. There were also two benches close to the house, such benches that were facing

upside down and also completely destroyed.

-As it seems, security guards did not break into the building, they just attacked here through the courtyard ...

Hexilador said with his hand on his chin and exploring the area carefully, until he stumbles.


He screamed, and stood up dusting his clothes. He looked where he had tripped and saw a piece of iron in the shape of an arc stuck on the floor, Hexilador could not remove the iron that was stuck in the floor and then he found it strange and started to remove the earth that was around the iron. and

then he discovered that it was not just an iron, but a cover that led to an underpass.

-A lid?

He asked himself confused and before opening, called Odachi and Polpol.

-Fuck! This is amazing! Hexilador and I are going to investigate this passage, okay?

Polpol said excitedly, Odachi who was planning to go up the building to investigate, agreed.

-Be careful! I'm going to explore the building, okay?

Odachi spoke excitedly and the two responded with a "Yes". Odachi started to climb the building up the stairs since the elevator was broken. He was excited and

he hurried up the stairs and anxious. The smile on his face was full of adrenaline. He had reached the top floor and opened the door off the stairs with a

kick, and saw a figure.

-Odachi, isn't it?

-John, isn't it ?!

Odachi said with a smile, he hadn't even realized that a complete stranger knew his name.

-No, I'm not that "John"

-Good, after all I don't even know someone named John ...

Odachi said scratching the back of his neck, until he realized.

-Wait, how do you know my name ?!

-Just knowing, I will only answer your question with that. My name is Ejota, I am the colonel and one of the founders of the Revolution. You must be one of the government's primate slaves.

Ejota was sitting in an armchair, looking out the window. He turned and faced Odachi. Ejota had white hair that was thrown to his

right side, they were spiked and the left side of his hair was shaved, there was only a braid tied that reached up to the nape of his neck. He had a grated beard

on his chin and small hair remnants on his sideburn. He looked almost 30 years old and there were droopy eyes and dark circles.

-Wow, not bad.

Odachi said taking his Deseart Eagle from his pocket, seeing that Ejota had a shotgun on his back.

-I make a proposal for this fight, do you accept?

-Tell me what it is.

Ejota took his shotgun and took out the ammunition and threw it out the window.

-No weapons, I know you are not experienced with weapons since you are a novice. I've never seen you before in wars, so it's safe to assume this.

-No ... Weapons ?!

Odachi said confused.

-What prevents me from just shooting you now ?!

He said, raising his Deseart Eagle to Ejota with a smile.

-... This.

Ejota said and advanced on Odachi, punching him in the belly. Odachi fell to the floor and Ejota stepped on his hand before he pulled the trigger towards him.

-How coward you are, you should have shot me at once if you wanted so badly.

Ejota picked up his Deseart Eagle and threw it up the stairs, and they both heard the gun rolling down the stairs.

-Ugh, you won, so let's fight without weapons!

Odachi said staring into Ejota's eyes, before taking his next step.

-What a dark place, it is worse than the war scene of that city.

-Do not tell me that...

Polpol replied to Hexilador, the two were walking on the underground path. They couldn't see well because there was no light in there. Until

they hear a voice.


It was a female voice, Polpol was startled and stepped back. But Hexilador pulled Polpol close again.

-We have to see what it is.

The two walked to the direction of the voice, and Polpol was shaking. Until they find ...

-Gabi ?!

Kabuto and Johnny were on the terrace watching Goltffer coming up the stairs.

-It would be nice if we jumped over there, right? It doesn't look like there's a sniper or anything. We have to take care of the wound on his foot!

-B-But ... Isn't it risky? It is very high and can be our end if we miss the jump!

-Are you really not going to jump? You have to relax more! It won't be a big deal.

Kabuto replied to Johnny, while slapping him on the back.

-I will not go!

Johnny replied, and Kabuto put his hand on his chin thinking. Until...


Kabuto shouted pointing upwards.


Johnny looked scared, but there was nothing there. Kabuto just shouted that to distract Johnny. Kabuto pushed Johnny to the other building and soon after jumped along.


Johnny screamed, putting all the anger he felt at Kabuto in his scream.