In Heaven, Aurora had been watched by truly and had loved her more than her own family. The angel she had known is Anael. Yes he did appear himself right in front of her and yes he saw her buying an ice cream with little Isabella after school.

He's the one Aurora saw at the bus station. Anael went up back to heaven with a smile as he saw her today. She makes him happier among the other angels.

"Are you watching her again, Anael?"

God asked him, Anael nodded his head, still on his smile. "She's the most beautiful I've ever loved. She grew perfectly as you created, today I saw her alongside little Isabella eating something that looked cold to her. Is that good?"

"If she eats something bad, she could be sick by now - but no she's fine."

Anael nods and understands, "I long to hold her in my arms."

"You've been watching her, Anael. Consider your arms holding her."

Anael shake his head, he said. "It's different, I can see her but I cannot touch her, I have arms but I cannot hold her. Even I don't have a eyes, at least I've been given an arms, so then I could hold her without even seeing her."

"I created you the same as others, why do you think like that?"

Anael sighs, his wings flapping a bit, he turns to God's. "Have you ever been in love?"

"I do." God's smile again. "I love all of my creations, including you, Anael, you're one of my creations and the others. I've never ever chosen one over another, or compared myself to all of you. My love toward my creation will never ever last."

Anael stares at the God's. "How can you say that? What about Lucifer? you cast him out from heaven to hell."

"Because he chose his own path, I love him but I cannot stop him, he made me do something that I don't wanna do. So, I send Lucifer to hell, he disobeyed me."

"And there's demon and hell"

"I created, so then humanity can know between good and bad. I don't like to see all my creation lives with Lucifer because of their Sin. My creation is perfect, like you said Anael. Head, arm, legs and everything that includes the brain, they should choose wisely between it."

Anael still doesn't understand what the God's said about his creation, about humanity, earth, heaven and hell. He wants an answer and what he wants to know.

"The demon doesn't bow to you."

God's smile."True, they don't want to bow to me, they disobey me like Lucifer, hell is the place where they belong."

"What about Adams and Eve? Does Lucifer make them? Until you send them on earth."

"Adam possessed a body of light, identical to the light created by me on the first day. He's alone in here so I give him Eve to complete him. The serpent approached Eve rather than Adam because Adam had heard the word of me with his own ears, whereas Eve had only his report; Eve tasted the fruit and knew at once that she was doomed to death, and said to herself that it was better she trick Adam into eating so that he too would die, and not take another woman in her place. But Eve thought it was wrong. I am sending Adam and Eve down to earth together; they shouldn;t eat that fruit and they shouldn't listen to Lucifer."

Anael nods. "That's how Lucifer possessed, dragging them to hell, by Lucifer's word they did a bad thing just like he tricked Adam and Eve. And you banished them away from the Garden of Eden because Lucifer."

"When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit they were ashamed and covered their genitals, identifying the place from which the first sin was passed on to all succeeding generations. Unless my creation repents themself. I've forgotten everything they 've done, like I said I don't like to see my creation live in Hell. I wanted to see them with me here."

"Sounds like the earth is created for cruel living things."

"I've never been created to be that one, Anael."

Anael departed with his wings away from God's bow. He's alone till one of the other angels comes to him. "I hear you talked about Adam and Eve. Why suddenly?"

"It just talked, Gabriel."

"Just talked." Gabriel smirks. "You never forget about that baby aren't you, Anael. I saw her too, she's grown I can tell."

Anael locked his eyes on Gabriel in anger, he'd stop him. "Aah-aah. Don't get me wrong, Anael. Don't fight with me because of her. There's someone who wants to see you at your usual place. He's waiting and I'm here just sending you a message."

Then Gabriel disappeared from sight. Anael takes his wings off again, he meets the person Gabriel mentioned. He'd looked around but nothing to be seen. Does Gabriel trick him for no reason?

But then he saw a man sitting on the bench humming a secret lullaby song that he had heard before. The same lullaby song Aurora was a baby back then. He approached the man he had known since his death.

"Mr Fernandez?"

The man is Aurora's father. Anael takes a seat beside him. "I hear you talked about my daughter."

"My apologies if I did."

The father chuckled. "No - no it's fine. How is she doing?"

"She's eating something cold with little Isabella as usual." Anael breathed. "I knew that song, you used to hum it for her when she was asleep."

"It was Aurora's favorite lullaby song when she was a child. My wife and I used to sing for her before she went to sleep, she's so beautiful with her tiny finger wraps on my hand as I see her grow and become a beautiful girl, but my chance to live with her is too short. Accident took me well. I will not forgive myself for abandoning my family like that."

"I can't change what God's made Mr Fernandez, when the time comes, you must go. Ashes with ashes, that I cannot change."

He cried with a fake smile. "I missed them. I missed kissing my daughter and my wife." He cried again. "But what can I do? I must return where I belong."

He patted Anael laps. "You love my Aurora."

"I have loved her since she came to you until now." He looked around. "This place she belongs to before God's sending her down to you both." He sighs. "I watch her, I protect her that you didn't know."

"Can you live on earth, Anael?" Aurora's father asked him. Anael stares in his eyes.

"I didn't think about it and I didn't know if an angel like us can live on Earth among humans. There's a lot of things to learn." He sighs again. "I don't know anything about earth. I'd just seen how they're doing, that's all I know."

"Haven't you tried to learn?"

"I tried, but I don't think it is necessary because I'm an angel. I don't have to learn anything about it, I just watch, and I watch how people like you forget about God."

He looked around. "They forgot how to pray." Aurora's father nods with guilt. "That's how it works, they forget everything."

"If I had to choose, I would choose to stay with Aurora. I'm not replacing your place but I want to protect and love her dearly. If you allow me, I will protect your wife and little Isabella too."

"Then you are willing to be a fallen angel." Anael stares up at Aurora's father, thinking what he means by that. "If you are part of our kind, will you be able to come back here?"

Anael breathes again, he shakes his head knowing nothing. "I don't know if I was able to come back here after what I did to choose earth over my place. I didn't know if I was able to forgive myself, losing my place - my beautiful south."

"Then you must think very deeply about Anael before you choose to stay on earth. I don't think the other angels are able to forgive you or accept your decision, it's hard to choose between love, passion and need. That is why God gives humans like us a brain to think and choose wisely before making a decision."

Anael nods understanding, he speaks back. "And that's how people say if I choose wrongly, I'm a fool."

"Correctly." He patted him with a smile.