Chapter 9

Eri heard Tyler knocking on her door but she refused to answer, so she went out on the balcony.

She let the cool summer breeze blow her tangled hair that needed to be tamed. She sat out there for awhile watching the wild bunnies come out from the forest in search of food.

After she felt satisfied she went back into her room to detangle her now dry hair. After finishing her hair she turns the lights off and jump onto her bed.

"Pssshh...I wish there was something fun to do." Eri said aloud talking to no one.

Getting lost in her own toughts she started imagining all the fun things she and her friends would be doing right now and tought of it made her smile.

Someone knocking on her door startled her out of her toughts, she releases a grin before going to the door.

Eri flips the light switch and swings the door open.

"I already to-

She stop mid sentence when she sees her father standing there.

She slammed the door in his face before he could say a word.

"Open this door right now young lady." His booming voice sounded distant because of the door between them.

Avoiding his request she turned the lights off and crawled into bed then pulled out her phone.

Little did she know that her dad had master keycard since he was the principal.

He used it to enter her room flipping the light switch on. He walked over to the small study desk as sat on it looking at her with one eyebrow raised.

Eris was shocked beyond words, she just sat there wondering how. She then recovered a d started frowning at her father and her frown quickly transformed into a glare.

"I just came to see how your setting in." He starts the conversation.

"Well it's a little too late for that." She scoffs turning her back to him.

"Its only Tuesday sweetheart." Mr. Goldberg says.

"And we got here sunday." Eri answers in a clipped tone.

Mr. Goldberg sighs rubbing his temple, he knows his daughter better than anyone else, meaning he knows how stubborn and strong willed she is.

"I know your still upset about me making you go here but at the same time you still need to listen to your teachers and respect them. From what some of the teachers told me your uniform is.... indecent." Her father says trailing off.

"I knew it, that's the only reason you came here!" Eri yells throwing the sheets off. "You don't care about me or how I feel, you only care about your precious reputation respect and power!" Eri feels her self getting upset by the second as she yells louder with each word.

"Eri calm down." He says in a demanding tone, now standing on his feet.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I'll calm down when I want to calm down!" She yells on top of her voice while pulling on her shoes.

"And where do you think your going?" He grabs her arm stopping her from picking up her keycard.

"Don't touch me!" She screams and he instinctively let's go with hurt in his eyes.

Eri notices the hurt look he had and in anger too advantage of that.

"Your the worst father a girl could ask for." She says before storms out the door.

Shocked and hurt by the words he was too stunned to go after her, so he let her be.

Eri got into to elevator without a second glance in her father's direction. She leaned her head against the cool metal of the elevator letting her cool her forehead down. When it opens again she walked straight out of the building.

She went to the back of the building where the gazebo's where and she saw two guys making out.

"Don't mind me, I won't tell anyone." She says walking past not sparing them a second glance.

She chose a seat far from them where there was little light.

She just sat there staring off into space, not knowing what to feel or how to feel it, and soon the anger she felt towards her father drifted away with the breeze.

What she said then replays in her mind and hurt feeling entered her chest but she pushed it away.

Eri was unaware of how much time had past and when she looked over her shoulder the two guys making out earlier where now gone.

She started to wonder who they were but it was pointless since she didn't look at their faces.

A feeling of dead and fear sent chills down her spine and she spun around quickly, she saw a male figure looking around. She stayed quiet out of fear and then her phone started ringing loudly.

The figure's head snapped in her direction her direction and started to walk towards her.

"Shit!" she cursed ready to make a run for it.

"Hey calm down it's only me, its Jarred." The figure finally announces his presence.

"Fuck, you scared the shit out of me." Eri says sighing in relief.

"Sorry." Jarred says taking a seat across from her.

"Wait how did you know I was here?"

Eri starts eyeing him suspiciously, then she checks her phone to see who called and it was an unknown number so she called back.

As she predicted Jarred's phone started to ring.

"And how did you get my number?"

"Calm down, your dad wanted to make sure you were okay so he called my aunt and she called me. They absent me your number just incase I couldn't find you." He explains to her smiling sheepishly.

Eri knew she blocked her father from calling her so it was logical for him to give him her number.

Jarred sent a quick text to the principal letting him know his daughter was okay.

It was too dark to make out the color of her eyes but he knew they were glaring at him.

"So do you want to talk it?" Jarred asks Eri with genuine concern.

"Talk about what?" She ask pretending nothing happened, but little did she know that his room was on the same floor as hers and he heard everything.

"I just assumed something was wrong since your dad, the principal. Went out of his way to get me a lowly fist year, to go in search of his beloved daughter." He in a mock British accent trying to get her to laugh but it didn't work.

She stay quiet turning away from him.

The silence went on for what felt like forever until Jarref decided to speak again.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He adds with a gentle smile.

She turn her head to the side to look at him, Eri forces a smile before speaking. "Thanks."

Jarred stays quiet for the rest of the time just watching her, studying her. He watched hoe she pulled her feet to her check hunching her back and how her voluminous hair shifted with every move she made.

For some reason he wanted to reach out and touch it, and run his fingers through it.

She started sniffling and he didn't say a word or jude her. Jarred just got up and sat beside her. Eri leaned on his shoulder and he too that as the go ahead to comfort her.

He slanted his body then pulled her to his chest, then rub her back soothingly her tears wet his shirt.

He's not sure how long they were in that position for but at one point her crying finally stopped and her breathing became even.

"Eri." He spoke softly, just above a whisper.

When he didn't get a reply he knew she was asleep.

He carefully lifted her body bridal style making sure not to wake her. He too her back to the dorms but found himself in a bind when he approached the doors.

Since it was after hours he had to use his keycard to get in. He didn't want to wake her but decided he had to or they wouldn't be able to get in.

"You need something help?" A voice says from behind him.

"Yeah." Jarred turns to see a guy he's not familiar with. The guy uses he buzz to open the door then holds it open for him to carry Eri in. He then follows him to the elevator with out a question.



He then pushes the button for the second then the forth floor and rheybstand there in silence.

"So is she your girlfriend?"



When the door opens the guy leaves without another word. When Jarred reached the fourth fool he carefully laid her body down on the couch in the common area he then reached into his pocket and took out his keycard then took her to his room.

He skillfully swiped the card without waking her the brought her inside, he then gently placed her on his bed and for the first time I groaned and moved around.

He smiled at how cute she looked when she was asleep. He then gently brushed her hair with his fingers surprised at how thick and silky it felt.

He then made a bed on the floor for himself and went to sleep.