The Crystal King

I opened my sticky eyes and saw a blurry light red substance. Damn!!!  I manage to escape those Hideous humans. They have a lot of tricks. What the fuck is that Metallic humanoid structure call golem. 

It is a good thing that I manage to transfer my consciousness to this animal. Wait, is this a Chicken. What a bad omen. I read in the Ancient rune "never possess a chicken." Especially in this part of the continent. 

I think it's not a bad thing. Since this is just inside an eggshell. All I need to do is assimilate my powers to its cell and guide them to synchronization with my soul. With that, I will grow under the nose of Humans and learn their secrets. 

Hahaha, that's how it should be. Let's start. 

Damn it is not easy. This little shit can't take a fraction of me. Mtssssw. Let see did he have any Ancient bloodline like Phoenix. Maybe by awakening it.  Then using it as a base I will take over the body or else my consciousness will dissipate gradually. 

That Impossible this little shit has the bloodline of King Crystal. How did that happen? Maybe that lustful king, mate this little shit Hen Mother.

Orgh tip.

Why can't he have a good test? He is notorious for going around mating with different female beasts. 

Nonetheless, this is a godsend. With this as a base, I will exceed my limit. Now let Calculate, I have 50% of my consciousness which I can draw my power. If this shit is any good beast, I might recover my full strength in 12 — 20years, By utilizing 35% of my consciousness, while 15% I will stop my self spirit in the astral world from dissipating. 

But this little shit crystal bloodline will require 48% of what I got. Damn it!!!  Damn it!!!.  Alright let lay all the fact

1- If initiate another jump, I will need to consume 25%

2- While the remaining % will not necessarily be enough

But the main problem is that. I can not, since there no beast close by to make the above option valid. Sigh. I think I will have to do with this little shit. 

48% percent to awaken the damn Bloodline and 0.5% to start to gradually assimilate My Spirit into his. I have to make sure that Any 10% awakening bloodline, I will assimilate 1% of what remains in my bank. 

Damn it!!  What remains is only a measly 1.5% of my consciousness. I will barely be hanging. If I dare exert myself I will perish completely. 

Alright, little shit, be grateful that this Magnificent one will use your body. 

Okay, enough of self-praising. Now let's begin the Awakening... 

This is the fifth time I am dozing up to a coma ever since my Bank reduces to merely 10%. And I can see that if I am not careful my energy will seep away. And that will leave me in a precarious situation. I need to complete it without dozing off again. 

Assimilation in progress..... 

Haha haha haha ohohohohoho. This is great. I think my calculation is a bit wrong. The reproductive Sperm cell that comes from the crystal king has aged, which is why assimilation takes a little easier. Since I still have 5% energy, it's better than 1.5%. 

Okay... Okay... How am I going to utilize this better? Hmm, I think I should maintain the calculation. That will leave me with 3.5%. That is better than before. 

How long does it take? Blink... Blink... I hope it does not take long enough for blasted humans to realize this egg is abnormal. Well, maybe they didn't.  Because I have been feeling the Hen around sitting on this egg from time to time for brooding. And she didn't discard it. 

I think she could feel the egg is still alive. Even if it takes a longer time than it should. Beside!  This mindless Chicken Hen can only be driven by its instinct. 

Hahaha, everything is progressing under good conditions. All I need to do is wait for the incubation period. 

Holly shit no no no don't come here. I said don't come here!!  You, a little piece of shit, human child!!  Ahhhhhhhhhh you dare call your elder to come.  

Oh! Great God of all that is Beast please help this lowly one and make me undiscovered by this hellish people. 

Yes yes, you earn it. today and only today I will call you Mother Hen!!!  

Cluck cluck cluck cluck 

Fight them, don't let them take your baby egg. Protect it with your life good Hooray. Am saved!! 

As weak as I am. I may not turn to omelet as that little piece of shit devil wanted. But I am sure I will make fine nutritious stew. Because Chickens are notorious for being delicious.  Loved by all, including Demons, let alone Humans. 

Finally!!!!!  The day has come. The great me is having a rebirth and I will be an entirely new species. Hybrids of Iron Falcon King + The Crystal King + Chicken. Well!!  The last one is not so desirable, but it will be a fine specimen. I can even taunt Humans into hunting me and kill them miserably. Of course, I need to be stronger and even surpass my past self. 

With my crystal bloodline, it will take at most 14years but the least is 5year muahahaha. Let's hope that crystal king did not discover me during my growth period. 


I am coming hehehehehe. Wait!!!!!!!!  What a divine beauty. Holy shit!!!!!!!  Sparkling silver feather!!!  Look at that Golden silver beak!!!  Oh my god, those are Supreme metallic claws!!!  Who is this divine beauty!!!  Am lost. Was I born in heaven? 

Am Cryinnnnnnng!!!  Never thought that all those bad things I did in the forest. I will achieve salvation. Perhaps that is the reason I have to assimilate myself onto the host . To justify a last painless punishment. 

"So that Crystal Guy did not lie to ME. Hmm! Or I will have cursed his direct descendant"!

That must be the most melodic beautiful Holy voice I ever heard, She is a goddess in the Chicken form!!! 

''There is another entity attached to my Son. This will be a problem. That man didn't say anything about another entity being present''. 

Breathing loudly..... 

She kept speaking ohhh it's true that one will die because he gazes at divine beauty. It's worth it, to die because of her look. 

"I guess I should exterminate it! "

Hooray, I will die by the Hand of great divine beauty. My heart and soul are yours to kill hahaha haha. 

"I shouldn't be hasty, I might let it speak and see what it is! "

No!!  Killing me is more than enough, I don't think my mind will be straight when conversing with you. Don't waste your time. Just your acknowledgment is enough.

"You may speak, stranger" who are you and how did you end up in my child's soul". 

"I am but a lowly servant. Your holiness" 

"Oh!!!  Let me dim it a bit". 

What!!  She is reducing her beauty. Is that how I should put it, my mind is a free no-no-no. I don't want to be free. Nono, I should be. 

"You may speak now"

"Your holiness am..". 

"Stop. I think you should take some time to calm down"


breathing deeply.


"Queen of beauty, I was just some lowly entity who wanted to revive, and then I ended up here".

"You were going to use my Son as a Host"

"Don't get angry Your holiness. I do not know this is your blessed child. But you can relieve me by using your Holly beak to kill me. Am sure nothing will happen to your blessed child" Why am I saying I want to die for her. 

"were you sent by that Crystal Bird"

"Which Crystal?? No one sent me. You see I was just flying then I saw a Human Hunter that injured me some years back. "

"I Hunt back for revenge. Unbeknownst to me that he drags the fight to Human settlement. And when the Humans saw their dead comrade.  They trap me with supernatural powers and sent A metallic Humanoid Structure. That's how my body was destroyed. "

"So you choose to possess my baby"

"I am sorry for that. But I use my remaining power to awaken a good bloodline in his body. "


"You see.  I can see he has the blood of a crystal king. that is why I took my time to awaken the bloodline to the best of my capabilities. When he grows up. He will be very strong. "

"Hmm, so that Glass man lie to me after all. None of my eggs will awaken his bloodline. Even this one it was your interference 

"Who is Glass man???  Wait, you mention Crystal man. Are you referring to crystal king? By any chance are you his wife? Am I in his kingdom? Did he know I am here? "

"What with all the questions? I was his wife for one day. And now you are in Human settlement".

"What with the one-day wife thing"

"Silent!!  Since you use your power to awaken Crystal Bloodline. I will not kill you but aid you in finding another host. But you need to take away that garbage Metallic Bloodline you implanted. "

"I Agree. Where can I move? But currently I am too weak if not for your present I might succumb to sleep".

"You can rest. And accumulate some power. But you have three days only. You have permission to convert 10% crystal bloodline essence to energy to speed up the process 

"Yes your ladyship".

Phew, that was close if not because she is magnanimous as she is beautiful. I might be dead now. Let's start conversion now, and I hope she brings me better beast species.