Recounting Fast Event

I met the eldest queen, but she only gazes at me before I was asked to leave. Well, she seems to have an ability that can determine a future threat.

They prepare to take me to the flock. There is a chicken flock that is at least a thousand miles along the river. I do not know what a river is. It was the biggest river that almost crossed the whole forest.

I stay with them for a couple of days. Learn a thing or two before the Queen met me and say, we will be leaving tomorrow.

They try to cure me with lesser honey, but no luck. Later on, the Twenty-eight Queen, tell me that, The eldest queen says that my wound is tainted with a demonic aura, for that I need to get rid of the aura for the wound to close.

If I am willing to serve the Hive, they will give me special honey made only by the Eldest queen. It has the property to expel the aura.

It turns out that the demon aura did affect me. I turned down their offer. After the day of departure came Twelfth Queen visit me.

Bzu "We will give you out if the demon asks for you"

Cha "Okay"

Bzu "But for now, we will erase any traces of you, from miles away in any direction of the hive. We already raised an army to hunt down any beast that might have seen you… Also, we will give you protection until you reach the flock. I hope you find what you are looking for"

Chwe "Thank you"

It's better than I expected. They are even taking necessary precautions in case the demon wanders and senses I pass through here. How very thoughtful of them.

Now that my mind is at peace, I'm thinking of the things that happen. I now know. That monster with an ominous aura is called a demon. Not really know what difference between it and the rest of those that are called monsters and beasts.

Iya told me. There are usually two classifications of Animals. Which are Beast and Monsters.

Beasts are normal animals both in appearance and mind. They are usually irrational but always succumb to their instincts. Only a handful of them are intelligent.

Monsters on the other hand are beasts that have abnormal mutations. Their body contorts away from the natural order. The snake beast that was, both a humanoid and a snake is a good example. They are somehow more intelligent than normal beasts. But their abnormal body condition makes them feared.

But the way, the bees refer to this thing as the demon is like he was exempted from the list.

The giant ride is here. Look I'm finally meeting my brethren.


The scenery is beautiful above here!

The bees form some kind of cloud around us, me and the Twenty-eighth Queen and her soldiers. The cloud bees, do not emit any sound. And also they have a sky camouflage body. I think, they may not not be sighted.

I began to think about my last encounter with the demon. And how he kills all the crocs without batting an eye.


My ability is weird, at first I thought it's permeation or just the capacity to go through solid objects. Later I threw away that hypothesis.

When I escaped the wolves, I trained relentlessly in the forest. After regaining some strength.

To activate the ability, three conditions must be met.

1- I must calm my mind. Not to be in an intense panic or fear. Generally, I should stabilize my emotions.

2- I must be immobile. I should not be moving on my own. If I was pushed by something, as long as I did not move my muscles, I can activate it.

3- My thought should only think of the Crystal feather behind my comb.

If the above conditions are met, my mind will be clearer and see things clearly with great understanding. I can even see flies move in slow motion.

These are all side effects of what to come. The crystal feather will gleam a bit, by then I will have a 360° vision within a domain of one claw of every direction of my body.

Think of it as a sphere enveloping me. That was also preparation, because after that. The world will be hazy, like in a strong gale that carries particles. Thus, obstructive my vision slightly.

I can see the surroundings. Nothing was different. If there was a tree in front of me before I activated the ability, the tree would remain without change. But the gale of winds is only in vision, not tangible; also the direction of the wind is toward the east.

After that, no physical object can touch me. Everything will go through me even air, only sunlight can touch me.

As you can see, in that state I can not breathe in the air, only the remnant that was inside the domain. When it's exhausted I will have to exit the ability, or else I will chuck.

My clash with the demon overthrew what I knew of my ability. In normal situations, the demon cannot touch me.

But instead, the invisible sphere manifests to deter its hand from going through me. I think without the sphere the demon can touch me directly.

The thing is, it's only after this situation did I confirm the existence of the invisible sphere.

Before it's just a theory. I think the sphere was only manifesting after the demon hand was within its domain. But in the normal condition, it was not there.

Let me recount in detail what happens when the demon attacks me.

The demon was grinning in a relaxed manner. As if looking at a friend, he said "I have been looking for you"...." Come over here".

I froze because of fear and also trying to calm my turmoil emotions which will enable me to activate my ability. At least I can go through the ground to escape.

He strolls toward me. At the last minute, I yell Crystal feather which activates my ability in the nick of time before he grabs me with his hand.

At first, I thought I was done for, but then I heard a boom. I pry my eyes open. It was then that I saw I was flying away with tremendous speed. By the time the velocity reduces and I landed. I saw the demon falling directly close to my landing position.

Immediately after landing, I activated my ability again by then his hand was almost touching me. I saw air depression, then I flickered away in a high-velocity in a random direction.

It's like the sphere bounces away whenever the demon tries to touch me.

It occurs to me that. This is what happened the first time in the earthworm community. And the demon will jump to follow me relentlessly like it's some kind of sport to him. Yes I know the demon is playing a game, he already realized the effect of the sphere. So, why will he continue catching the sphere forcefully if not for sport?

At midair, I look around trying to find a way out, that is to escape the demon. In my hyper senses, I saw a small community of iron crocodiles in my direction to the left. I moved the body to the right hand of the demon since he was using two hands trying to trap me in the middle. I succeeded, the right-hand touch the sphere first. Thus, bouncing me toward the iron crocodile lake.

Before falling into the lake I turn off the ability. Plop I spatter some water. The iron crocodile noticed me.

A baby crocodile that was closest to me swam toward me. That was when the demon dropped and splashed the lake everywhere.

Killing baby croc instantly. As I was floating above the lake. I raised my head, my beak facing the sky to catch my breath. I saw it coming. Furthermore, I did not move away but tried to move where he would fall.

He falls directly above me. With my ability active. I bounced downward as usual. I pass the bottom of the lake, till I reach underground rocks where the velocity reaches zero.

For a second I was stuck in the underground rock before, the earth repelled me back with higher speed than before. I reached the lake in an instant. The lake was starting to dye with blood.

My velocity increased because of less density of water than the rock. Passing the lake surface. I saw the demon massacre, before shooting to the above cloud. The air has less resistance to the water ground, another acceleration.

I was stuck on a cloud, yes cloud can affect the sphere too.

That's how I escape from the demon. The cloud is floating following wind direction. It took me away. I turn off and on in the ability to land safely.


We continue our journey to the chicken flock. I learn many things about the forest and its variety of species.

There are so many species of the beast that can develop intelligence. They rally their kind to form a community. The more intelligent they are, the more advanced they will be. Some beasts can even create tools like humans.

Another thing is that demons are not native to this continent. It was not known where they came from. But there was a war between them and the native beast a long time ago. The beast unites together and defeats the demons.

There was a legendary beast known as Emperor Golden Sun. It was said that when the demon came he was away from his community. That allows demons to wipe out his entire community.

For that, He became the leader that rally the continent to fight back.

He was known as the first Emperor that ruled the whole continent.

But what was more about his tale is that he wished the beast army to follow him to where the demons come from. But the beast elders denied his request.

He went with his personal army to demon lands. After a decade his eldest son came back. Bringing the tale of his father's bravery.

He claims that his father destroyed Seven demon kingdoms before Demon God descended to kill him.

But there was a rumor that Emperor Golden Sun was actually alive and has returned from the demon continent. He was the reason that was deterring the demon from coming back.