Flame Resistance Training

It took only three days to finished all the caves. Two caves are the same in size at ten clawsquare. While the last one is twenty clawsquare.

The burning cave is ten clawsquare and the rehabilitation room. As for the food store is the largest. 

The rehabilitation cave is sunken deep. And a canal is channel from wonder pond to it. It will be a room where to trainees healed.

The burning room also is sunken to the side of the cave wall. From the entrance to the center of the room is normal flat while the sides and end of the room are sunken. It's where the ignition rock will be arranged, when they are on fire all the room will be on fire excluding the center.

I can't imagine what kind of agony they will go through. Nevertheless, I will see it through. Hopefully, it will be successful.

'Deep in my mind, I'm praying it will fail!!! Such price of pain for power.

"May IYA Forgive me"

Clawseven will be the first to train under this condition. But before that, I and Clawone try to hypnotize him, by praising him over and over again, to make him feel special. 

But he shows no concern as if this is normal. After we see it has minimal effect, we just tell him to be braver, which makes him angry.

This guy doesn't need external support, he has pride ingrained in his bones. So others praise was something he did not need.

The cave is burning, while all community members are out training. He stepped inside until he reached the center. His feathers are  to burn slowly.

He closes his eyes, standing there unperturbed. When the new soft feathers burnt, there was strong resistance, they are the feathers that grow after the beast's shadow incidence.

I'm watching intensely within the flame 🔥  scrutinizing the feathers that have grown after healing last time.


"This is a cruel experience, may IYA   forgive me."

"It's a success"

I said to Clawone after I was out of the 

Cluck" how..know"

"The feathers that are have grown after the fire last time, some are immune to flame."

The immune feathers are completely fine, not even a smoke coming out of them. Claw one is starting to shake for pain but he did not open his eyes. He stayed brave and stoic as if a sculpture. 

Yeah!!!! I really like him. I will cry if he dies??  I think....

Cluck" out" she said to him

He steps forward swaying but he manages to reach outside. She immediately orders four soldiers that are waiting around, to help him to the Rehabilitation room.

They did as orders. The smell of the burning flesh filled the cave.  And the truth is, it's a sweet smell. Not that I'm becoming a cannibal.

The rehabilitation room was filled with Wonder water, so the moment he was put inside he inhaled deeply and energy began to return to his body.

Chad " Make him relaxed his mind and allow the soothing effect of the Wonder water reach his core mind"

She moves close to his head clucking the information, she also adds some good encouragement to him. 

After that, he became limp as if he is dead, but one can see he is breathing faintly.

The storeroom was filled with all the grains and dried fruits that we have raised with Wonder water and my feces. There are some insects and earthworms that managed to evolve.

We captured them and killed them before they became a problem. We dried them afterward and fed some soldiers that showed some promise. But now all these resources will be pump into this hellish training.

For the whole day, Clawone was deep in sleep. I'm pretty sure that his whole brain was asleep. The wonder water has a deep soothing effect in the mind. 

And it's a good thing, with this cruel training the soothing effect of Wonder water will help the chickens not to have trauma. 


By next morning Clawfour crow. I checked for Clawone, then I saw her trying to open the canal to allow Wonder water to enter the rehabilitation room. I help her with it and check the condition of Clawseven.

Well, it's not what I'm expecting. The room was dried off. But now that the water is entering, solve it. For some reason, Clawseven is smaller in size, like half his previous size.

Not only that, the feathers that grow are fragile and filled with some liquid. Still asleep, even snoring. I ask for her to prepare the food. I went to his ears and chirped.

"Wake up"

At first, nothing happened, later on, he started to move a bit, gradually he stood, then sat. He has no strength to stand, he looks weak and fragile.

He gazes at us with confusion and wanders as if he did not know us. But light gradually returns to him and his arrogant vibe returns. But then he was confused as he saw now we are at the same size

Before, he is taller than me even when sitting but now he is smitten but we are the same height. He was visibly annoyed by this.

Cluck" you will grow again and stronger"

Clawone was able to beat me to it. We scrutinized him and made note of the strange things. His feathers are filled with a liquid.

I pluck one and check carefully to confirm. I call a soldier and make an injury on him, applying the liquid but nothing happens.

I call another and ignite a flame and burn his flesh a bit. Then Applying the liquid on, the wound healed at a tremendous speed faster than Wonder water healing.

"Did I turn a brave hero into a healer of burnt wounds??!!!."

Hahaha I laughed

We helped him move to the storeroom to eat some food. 

He eats little and stops, indicating he is satisfied. Well, we keep him there to eat whenever hungry. 

I hope he became resistant to fire. If so, then we can try poison, pressure, bones breaking, and increase cognitive development.

Not only that, I may have a source of exchange with other intelligent community. The feather that cures poison will be loved right??


He eats a little every half an hour, and his strength is returning to him each passing minute. This continued for ten days. His feathers are solidifying like others. 

His body that looks fragile is gaining strength, he can now move around easily. He has not increased in size yet, but something looks different about him.

Gradually days pass and every day he is becoming stronger and stronger until two months later he was back to his peak. Well, I  said peak because there were no new changes in him. 

I confirm for sure he has evolved. But the reason for the evolution is not due to fire but because he opened his mind and heart in the Wonder water to soothe the soul and that initiated the evolution.

Now he is good to go stronger than before above all he is immune to flames.

We make him enter the burning room and nothing happens to him, no burning feather, no scorching skin. A perfect immunity. 

Though I know this might be an inferior fire to other flames but to our level, this is better.

Now, the plan can proceed!! For some reason, I ask Clawseven to select the first batch of trainees. I just want to see if he will have some intuition towards those that may be trained easier in the flame room. 

His choice though doesn't show anything profound...


The four soldiers that watched him during his fire training were selected. All of them run away after they realize what will happen to them.

We have to capture them and restrain them. Claw one carries one of them to the burning room. 

It was agonizing, he screams and whimpers in pain. But we steel our hearts.

Clawseven was the bravest in this, he was affected but continues. He will shuffle the solder making sure all the feathers are burnt and the skin is char before he takes him out to the rehabilitation room.

Before we start, we make them eat the most nutritious food we have. That will allow the healing to go smooth.

The second, the third, and fourth all undergo the process. Each one was told to relax his mind while they were in the Wonder water rehabilitation room. That will help them negate the trauma.

After a day, they too change, each different from the other. We move them to the feeding room.

Another batch was selected. This time people have been marked. They will not know until it was their turn. Four at a time.

Another cave was formed. This time it's for dark vision training. Clawone select ten of her best Scouts to enter.

Their job is to sleep during the day and awake at night, food will be supplied at night. The cave was closed with thick vegetation to block the light. A small pond was created in the cave. They will immerse themselves inside every day and also drink from it.

Prayer inscription on the walls to avoid spying. Also, highly qualitative food will be given to them, for their good development. 

I don't know how long will they stay in confined darkness for any notable changes to happen. But we will experiment to know the answer.

Clawone will question them, every night to know about their sanity and improvements.

She wants to join them but I refuse.