It was a beautiful monday morning, I got up ready to start my day. It was my first day in high school and i was determined to start afresh considering the fact that my life so far had been nothing but a mess since my breakup with my childhood sweet heart. Still a bit shaken up by the breakup though i made a resolve to make the best of this school year. I took a rather quick bath and went down to the school refectory as soon as the bell was rung, hoping to still find something left on the table. DDL high school was nothing like a school talk less of a juniorate, it was more like a jungle where only the strongest and bravest could survive. Losing my way a couple of times due to the enormity of the dorms, I finally made it there in time for breakfast. I rushed my cup of tea, took my bread and rushed off to the school hall for the orientation. One thing i took very seriously was punctuality . At exactly 9am the Orientation lectures began with a briefing by the principal of the school, followed by a few other Rev. sisters...soon after it was the turn of the prefects...
"I want you all to feel at home with me, don't be scared, if you have any problems at all you can come to me and we will solve it together "
and that was all it took to jerk me back from my sleep, i had dozed off without even realizing it, looking up i saw the prettiest face i had ever seen, when i asked the girl sitting closest to me who she was her only response was "she's the sanitation prefect".
Thanks for reading.
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