Good day gone bad

It was the school's resumption day and students had started arriving. By noon the entire surroundings were filled with lots of people both students and parents alike mostly because the parents were assisting their children with their luggages.

Looking from my window i saw the hustle of the students. I was particularly interested in a girl carrying a luggage that was ten times bigger than she was. I couldn't help but wonder what could be inside that big box...provisions i guess.

Although the school had zero tolerance for  provisions (a.k.a Kochi Kochi) which they regarded as contraband that didnt stop some students from smuggling. (Like i said it was a struggle for survival.)  If you were caught it was your loss but if you were smart enough to enter the school gates without being caught and even managed to scale through during the regular random dorms search then you really were a bad-ass.

I decided soon after that simply staring from my dorm window wasn't going to do me any good. I needed to go out or stay indoors and die of boredom. The former seemed fine to me.

I walked with a friend towards the visiting grounds where the main searching or should I say ransacking of people's personal items was taking place all in the name of ceasing contraband. My mind went back to the first day i came to the school.


My sister had brought me with a cab, i remember taking in the beautiful sight, it was my first time in Enugu state, we lost our way a few times trying to find the school but it was nothing compared to the fact that the school was so big we actually got lost inside the school in a bid to find the dorms. I remembered how frustrated the cab driver was, just roaming round the school premises. We finally found our way after what seemed like ages and on getting there, i was approached by some hostel mistresses and a postulant ordering me to open all my bags for proper searching. Fortunately for me none of my things were ceased.


I kept on walking till i reached the school block. I wanted to use the opportunity to revise some books. I figured if i wanted to actually pass i had to start reading beforehand because just in my class alone there were 50 students and that wasn't half of the number of overall students in all five classes.

My class was at the end of the block so it wasn't difficult for anyone to find. I entered inside and was shocked at what i saw. My Locker and chair was no longer in it's position. After searching round the class for a few mins I finally found it in a corner at the back of the class (apparently it was a tradition in the school for students to "secure a space" in their prospective classes and dorms before resumption but of course i was not aware of this) and so i went back to the front to check for the name of the locker in my position. I studied it hard, it was a really big locker... then with all my anger and strength I pushed it out of the class entirely.

"Nobody messes with my locker" I said to myself as i replaced mine to its normal position.

Satisfied with myself i opened my locker and began reading when suddenly a girl came in, looked angrily at me and shouted

"why did you remove my locker from its position? "

"Don't act like you did not see my locker here before you decided to push it to the back" i answered surprised that she would even ask such a ridiculous question.

"But this is my spot, i secured it the last session so you have to relocate"

"The nerve of this girl" i thought "are you for real right now?...last session?...that is Js1 if i am correct and you are boldly telling me this trash... How can you secure a space for a Js2 class while you were still in Js1 and not even sure you won't remain there?" I asked already getting angry.

"Just stand up and relocate from my position or else i would do it myself " she said impatiently

Just then a few more girls came in, i presumed they were old students like her because i didn't see any of them during the orientation. She narrated everything to them and of course they supported her which strangely didn't surprise me. They kept on insisting and i kept on refusing until one of them pushed my locker away. That was the height of it.

"Just wait and see, we will find out who would stay in this position at the end". I said as i walked out of the class angrily.

Thank you for reading.

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