029: Cheating and Things Taking a Turn for the Worse

At 5 o'clock on Sunday, the English exam had ended, concluding the mock tests for the joint entrance exam.

Chu Bai exited the examination hall with disappointment written all over his face.

There was about an hour time before the evening study session would be conducted as usual.

As Chu Bai was in a bad mood, he was prepared to take a stroll near the river back not far away from the school when he happened to run into the Old Principal at the school entrance.

"Young man, you seem to be deep in thought. Didn't you do well in the exam?"

"Good evening, Principal." Chu Bai greeted politely and then nodded his head.

"It's just a mock exam. If you didn't do well, it meant that you didn't get to do your best. It wouldn't stop you from doing your best later on, will it?" The Old Principal began to comfort Chu Bai, cheering him up.

"Principal is right." Chu Bai could barely manage to squeeze out a smile.

It wouldn't really matter to him if it was just any other ordinary mock exam.

But the point was that his dream of getting Xu Muyan to be his girlfriend would remain a dream if he failed to score well in the exam.

One could as well imagine how gloomy Chu Bai was at heart.

He simply couldn't explain it to the Old Principal.

"Seems like you're leaving the campus. Have you eaten dinner yet?" the Old Principal asked.

"I'm going out to take a stroll. I will eat later."

"Youngsters like you who don't eat on time are likely prone to stomachaches. You must have your meals on time. My home isn't far away. It just happens that I am on my way back home for my meal. How about we leave together?" The Old Principal invited.

Chu Bai didn't object when he heard this.

The Principal respectfully invited him, a student, for a meal at his home.

Even the teachers of the school might not have had such a privilege.

How could Chu Bai not agree to leave with him?

He might as well close the relationship with the Principal.

But for a while, Chu Bai pretended to politely refuse only after which he complied with the Principal's request.


The next morning.

The results of the mock exam were out.

During the second subject period, the homeroom teachers of their respective classes distributed the prepared results list to the students.

The atmosphere in Wang Haoran's class had become very lively.

They were having the liberal arts class at the moment.

Xu Muyan and Wang Haoran were both ranked first and were tied in the class with a total score of 682.

Even though many in the class didn't expect such an outcome, it still seemed quite reasonable.

In the past exams, the first and second ranks were secured by Xu Muyan and Wang Haoran respectively. Their scores didn't vary much. Either one of the two would secure the top rank each following time.

But now, they had coincidently scored the same and were tied.

Suppose, they scored anywhere close to 682 in the college entrance examination, the two would get to enter any university in the country of their choice to study.

Wang Haoran and Xu Muyan, the titled 'top rankers' had livened up to their reputation.

The students who scored after them were the same students that scored in the top ten ranks in the previous tests.

When Xu Muyan checked the top ten rank list and didn't get to see Chu Bai's name in it, she felt the weight in her heart slowly fade away and was relieved.

"You owe me a cup of milk tea." Wang Haoran said walking next to Xu Muyan.

"Rest assured, I didn't forget it." Xu Muyan replied with a happy smile.

If at all Wang Haoran prevents Chu Bai from cheating, Xu Muyan would treat him to a cup of milk tea. That was what they agreed on before.

"What rank did Chu Bai get?"

Out of curiosity, Xu Muyan skimmed through the list searching for Chu Bai's name.

However, even after searching for a long time, she didn't seem to find it.

"It would be better if you search from the bottom." Wang Haoran said.

Xu Muyan quickly found it this time.

"He's the first from the bottom?!"

Xu Muyan had her mouth wide open in surprise.

Previously, Chu Bai was ranked middle in the class. Even if he couldn't improve his rank this time, he must've had no problem maintaining it. But surprisingly, he made his way back to become the bottom ranker in the class.

"It seems like he cheated in the previous monthly exam. This score must be what he's actually capable of." Wang Haoran added as a matter of fact.

"That must be it. I thought he was a clever student and his improvement in grades is because of my makeup classes." Xu Muyan was now enlightened.

"Did you go insane by studying or something? He told you and you believed it?" Wang Haoran asked in contempt.

"You... You're scolding me?" Xu Muyan pouted.

In any case, she was a girl, right? How dare Wang Haoran call her insane!

"It's not really my intention to scold you. I'm just reminding you to gauge what type of a person Chu Bai really is and stop getting deceived by his lies, and try to stay away from him."

"Boys always deceive." Xu Muyan muttered, then inadvertently shifted her gaze to Wang Haoran and asked, "Then will you deceive me?"

Wang Haoran stared at her.

To his surprise, he saw Xu Muyan gazing at him with her burning eyes. In the depths of her moist eyes, there seemed to be a strand of an emotion bubbling up.

This little girl was indeed falling for him.

However, Wang Haoran felt that it still wasn't enough.

"Generally, a boy would deceive a girl in only two cases. He must be seeking either money or s*x from her. Do you really think that I'd even have a need to deceive you?"

Seeing Xu Muyan who was dense, and seemingly hasn't understood what he said, Wang Haoran continued with a smile, "I am wealthy. I would certainly not deceive you for money. As for s*x, hehe, I told you already. Seems like you forgot, want me to repeat it? I am not really..."

Xu Muyan was now clear and her face reddened not from embarrassment, but from anger.

"I know. You told me you're not interested in me. I didn't forget." Xu Muyan completed the words that Wang Haoran didn't get to finish.

"Glad that you remembered." Wang Haoran said and then left with a smile.

Staring at Wang Haoran's leaving figure, Xu Muyan stomped her feet in anger. She wished she could ignore this spoiled boy but his face kept lingering in her mind.

[Ding! Host stirred up the heart of Xu Muyan, one of the female leads, rewarding 200 villain points.]

Wang Haoran: "?!"

Not just the increase in favorability but even stirring up female leads would reward him villain points?

Then all he had to do hereafter was to flirt with them!


"Don't look down on me. Soon after the joint entrance examination, you'd know who's really a bottom ranker. You're just a bunch of trash! Wait until I slap your faces with my report card!"

In yet another part of the classroom, there was a sound of laughter from the students. Several students kept repeating the same exact lines.

Chu Bai's complexion turned black, the same as the bottom of a pan.

These lines that the students kept repeating were actually what Chu Bai told them before.

A few days back, Chu Bai pretended to be diligent in his studies and began to make noise in the morning study session, causing the same students a headache.

At that time, Chu Bai despised them and spouted off something crazy.

The crazy lines that he said then were the lines that the students around him now kept repeating.

[Ding! Host acted behind the scenes preventing the Protagonist Chu Bai from pretending to be a hero in the joint examination, rewarding 300 villain points.]

Receiving the reward, Wang Haoran looked at the classroom bustling with noise and excitement but didn't ridicule Chu Bai.

As a villain, he wouldn't stoop so low as to ridicule the Protagonist.

It was beneath Wang Haoran to do something like that.

If he really wanted to ridicule Chu Bai, he could just send his lackeys to do the job for him.

But as there were many students ridiculing Chu Bai already, there doesn't seem to be a need for that.

Wang Haoran switched on his attribute panel and took a look at his villain points.

[Villain Points: 1800]

They had already piled up this much?

Wang Haoran immediately used 1,000 villain points to purchase "Movie-Level Acting Skills".

As there were 800 villain points left, he could still draw a prize once.

[Ding, Host is lucky enough to draw X-ray vision ability worth 5000 villain points. Do you want to proceed to use it now?]

"You must be kidding me! I don't need to save it for the New Year!"

Wang Haoran was so thrilled that he almost jumped three meters high.

That was actually Chu Bai's cheat. Now, he too had one for himself.

Moreover, it only cost him 500 villain points.

He made such a huge profit!

He was eager to try its effect.

But what should he try with?

Wang Haoran swept his gaze through the classroom and then it slowly landed on Xu Muyan's body.

He began to focus his attention on Xu Muyan.

And soon enough Wang Haoran's breathing became ragged.

Only after a long time did he reluctantly withdraw his gaze.

Xu Muyan usually wore school uniforms.

School uniforms were loose and could easily cover her figure.

He didn't know about it until he had seen it with his very own eyes. It quite startled him.

Xu Muyan's nutrition supplement during her puberty must be pretty good!

Wang Haoran had given Xu Muyan a score of 95 before, but now he felt that he could consider giving her 2 more points, making it to 97.

Though Wang Haoran was met with a pleasant surprise, he began to feel a sense of uneasiness.

It must be only him and Xu Muyan that know about it, right?

"System, did the Protagonist Chu Bai ever use his X-ray vision ability on the female lead?"

[If Host wants to inquire anything regarding the Protagonist, 100 villain points will be consumed. Do you want to proceed to inquire?]


[Protagonist Chu Bai has not used any of his abilities on any of the female leads.]

Wang Haoran immediately felt relieved.

It was quite normal if one thought about it. Except for some p*rvert protagonists, others were generally noble and virtuous.

It was quite normal for Chu Bai to not do such a thing.

Unlike a villain like himself who had taken a look out of curiosity, the Protagonist had to act righteously even if it hurt him.


The unceasing taunting and jeering from the students made Chu Bai feel ashamed.

Eventually, he couldn't endure any longer, and not being able to hold back, ended up bursting with anger.


"You! All of you just shut the f*ck up. If you dare to utter a single word, I won't be polite!"

Chu Bai slapped the table with anger, intimidating the students around him.

The voices that taunted and mocked Chu Bai also immediately ceased.

Chu Bai would often come to blows with outside circle members in the society and basically never incurred any losses. So, his body contained a powerful aura.

When Chu Bai became angry, the ordinary students were immediately intimidated, and it turned as quiet as a cicada in winter.

Wang Haoran wasn't happy with such an outcome.

He tapped Fan Jian who was beside him and whispered something in his ears.

