Chapter 60 - Doctor

"I don't want to leave right now because I know Terry needs me, but no one will take care of my mother. I've got no choice, so I'll just leave her to you."

She was just staring at Gabriella, and she could clearly see her sincerity and care for Terry.

She nodded, accepting her request. 

"She has a scheduled subject later at 2 pm in school. If she wants to attend her class, let her. If she still wants to do what she has to do here in the dome, let her do it anyway. It's her way so that she doesn't have time to suffer from remembering the things she doesn't want to remember." she reminded her.

"Alright," she calmly replied.

"Please help her as much as you can."

I'll try my hardest not to stress her in any way so rest your worries. Also, take good care of your mother so she'll feel better soon." She smiled at her sincerely.

Gab smiled back at her. "Thank you."

There, Hyacinth felt as if the invisible wall that was blocking them from each other had crumbled as they made an agreement.


After bathing and tidying up, Gabriella went to Terry, and they both went to Terry's room so Gabriella could tell her the reason why she had to leave. 

Hyacinth, on the other hand, went to the kitchen and saw that the plates prepared by Terry on the table were for two people only. She already knew that Terry had no intention of eating, and those plates were for her and Gabriella to use.

She got worried for Terry because the latter would starve, but she knew she couldn't force her to do something she didn't want to. 

And she also thought that even though Terry was going through something painful, she still did not forget to prepare food and the table for them. If she was in the same situation as Terry was going through, she would just lock herself in her room and withdraw from people.

She realized that Gabriella was right. That Terry could really handle herself.

She waited for Gabriella to head into the kitchen and hoped that she was able to convince Terry to eat with them, but Gabriella was the only one who entered the place.

She asked her using her gaze, but Gabriella just shook her head, saying she failed to make Terry eat with them. 

They both sighed deeply. 

Gabriella had already taken a seat, and when they were about to eat, they noticed that they had two forks prepared instead of one spoon and fork for each.

They looked at each other again.

"She was not in herself when she prepared this for sure," Gabriella said, and stood up to get them both a spoon that Terry forgot, which was not usual.

"What did she say when you told her you were going to go back to your home?" Hyacinth inquired as she received the spoon Gab handed her. "Thanks."

"She said sorry because she couldn't go with me to visit my mom. She still didn't seem herself, but she said she'd go to school later. I just let her and did not argue since I didn't want to upset her."

"I see." She just nodded and they just ate quietly. 

Hyacinth took a deep sigh. She was still bothered and worried that something might happen to Terry when she heads to her school in that mental state.

"Don't worry, Hyacinth," Gabriella said after noticing her worried expression. "She told me she didn't want us to be affected by what is currently happening to her and said that all we have to do is wait for her to slowly get back to her old self."

She smiled at her, re-assuring her.

She forced a smile, trying to remove the worry from her system. "Alright," she responded then continued eating.


After Gabriella left to go to her mother, Terry headed outside and started to water the flowers.

From the window in her room, Hyacinth was just watching her. 

She couldn't see Terry's face, but she could tell that the joy Terry always had while doing that particular chore was not present.

Hyacinth couldn't bear it anymore and thought of seeking advice about Terry's situation from her other best friend, Hazel.

She called her, and the other immediately answered. "Hello, Haya. What's up?"

"Not doing good Hazel."

"Why? What happened?" Worry sounded on Hazel's tone.

"I am currently having a complicated concern right now and you're the only person I think I could count on."

"Spill. I'm currently on my way to the shop, so I've still got time."

"Great! Ahmmm... Actually, this is about my friend, whom I mentioned to you before. To give you her background, she has a speech disorder and something happened to her yesterday that shook her world." She was just watching Terry as she talked with Hazel on the phone. "Now, she's like a walking dead. Her eyes are lifeless and she is no longer as approachable as before. She changed so much after what happened, so can you give me advice to help her? Please Hazel."

"Wow Haya, I can feel that you're really attached to her and it's making me jealous as your best friend." Hazel jokingly said. "But I'm happy that you got another person to care that much." Even though she could not see Hazel, Hyacinth knew that she was smiling widely on the other line.

"She's an amazing person, that's why."

"That's great to hear! So your concern is she has a speech disorder and something shocking or traumatic has happened to her. Then you should immediately take her to a psychologist because her mental state may worsen. She should have been taken there for speech therapy way earlier than now."

She nodded several times in agreement with what her bestfriend said. "I offered her that before, but she didn't like the idea. Her cousin also told me that we should give her space and not force any idea like that on her. What should I do to help her get better?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. When it comes to mental concerns, there will be no other answer than a Psychologist. They know better what she needs and not her cousin, okay? So it's best to, as soon as possible, schedule her for a counseling session. If not, she might possibly harm herself or anything like that which you couldn't expect. You will definitely regret it when it is too late."

Her eyes widened after hearing those words.