Chapter 62 - Her room

"Lester Yoso?" After saying the name out loud, it was getting familiar to her. "Lester..." she said the name again that was imprinted on the I.D. while trying to think about where she had heard it before. She could really feel the familiarity of the name to her like someone mentioned it to her before.

***"I can't help it. I always make sure that everything around me is tidy... that's why Lester and I get along so well. He likes everything organized as well."

"Lester? Lester who?"

"A-aahm.. nothing. "He's just my brother."

"I see... So random."***

Like a flash of thunder, she remembered a part of her conversation with Gabriella who was the one who mentioned that name to her and she had no idea who that person was at that time.

It also suddenly crossed her mind about Terry's mysterious disappearance from the restroom like a bubble when she followed her and Gabriella one time.

She remembered the man Gabriella was clinging her arm to and Hyacinth just thought he was her boyfriend.

Her eyes slowly widened and her grip tightened on the I.D. after recalling those and everything was like pieces of the puzzle falling into their places. Her heart was hammering inside her chest and the fresh air in the place became suddenly cold which gave goosebumps to her body.

She realized that she would not really be able to find Terry inside the restroom that time she followed them because she had already removed her disguise. She- or better to call Terry he because he was the man who walked with Gab away from that place.

She didn't notice or even thought about that because the thought that Terry was just pretending to be a woman never crossed her mind.

She was just standing there, stunned like a statue. "T-this isn't real..." She was shaking her head while her eyes were still round, denying the realizations she was having.

She immediately turned her attention to the resthouse because she still couldn't believe her thoughts. There, she immediately ran back to the resthouse because she needed more valid evidence to prove those realizations.

'Terry can't do that to me! She would never!' A voice shouted in her mind over and over again while she was run-walking to the resthouse. She didn't bother to take off her shoes when she had already gotten there and then went straight to the front of Terry's room.

She turned the doorknob to open it but it was locked so she immediately took the master keys that were hanging on the wall near the T.V.

She was still holding Lester's I.D. and pen.

She went back to Terry's door and look at the keys she was holding. She didn't know which of those could open the room so she just picked whichever was there and her hand was shaking. She inserted the key into the keyhole and when she turned it, the knob unlocked.

Her thumping heartbeat was making her out of breath while opening the door.

After stepping inside and was greeted by the clear air from the open window of the room and it carried Terry's scent from inside her.

There is no specific description of that scent like the smell of roses or strawberries but she was really fascinated by that scent that she could only smell on Terry.

Her whole system was in chaos and this was really nerve-wracking for her, fearing that the person who always turned her world upside down was really just fooling her. That the person she fell in love with was just an illusion.

Every step she took, made the beating of her heart in her chest stronger and when she was in the middle of the room she paid attention to the things inside.

She didn't see anything strange except that the place was so clean that no one seemed to be using it. The bed was really clean and organized as well as the things on the study table beside it. Those were also neatly stacked.

She thought that if Terry was really just pretending to be a woman, that closet would be where she would find the evidence.

To discover what really the truth was, she walked over there and when she was in front of the closet, she took a deep breath to prepare herself first.

When she thought, she was ready, she opened it with shaking hands.

Her eyes slowly widened when she saw some men's T-shirts hanging there.

They were neatly separated from the women's clothes she bought for Terry at the mall. There was also the pink scarf Terry always wore and what made her gasp was a long wig hanging beside it and that wig was as long as Terry's hair.

It was Lester's reserved wig that he could use for emergency cases.

Hyacinth covered her mouth with shock and her palms grew even colder when she also noticed a familiar old red jacket there.

Even though it had happened a long time ago, she still could remember that it was the jacket that was worn by the man she caught inside the resthouse. She even thought he was a thief.

If only the fire exit of the dome was not opened at that time, she would be really confused as to where that man was able to infiltrate the place. She, Terry, manang Tonet, and her Dad only have the access to enter the place if they go through the door of the dome with a hand scanner so it would really become weird if not because of the fire exit.

She slowly backed away as tears welled up in her eyes. "T-this isn't real... Terry can't do this to me..." Her knees lost their strength which made her slump on the floor.

Her breathing was heavy as tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

She looked at Lester's I.D. that was still in her hand and stared at his smiling picture there. A drop of tear fell down on it that came from her eyes.

Lester's face was so innocent there that she never thought he would be able to deceive others... which is her.

~~~ * * * ~~~

~ Lester ~

I entered the male restroom while wearing my black jacket and my head covered with its hood. I hid my long hair or wig inside my hood to not alarm the guys using this place into thinking a woman has mistakenly entered this restroom.

I entered a cubicle to remove my disguise and after wearing my uniform, I noticed that the zipper on the small pocket of my bag was open.

Maybe, I just forgot to zip it.

I tried getting my I.D. inside it because it was where I always place that but it was empty.

That was when my senses fully came back to me.

Since morning, I was absent-minded because of what I found out about my mother. I was never careless with my things but because of it, even though the small zipper of my bag was wide open, I didn't notice it while leaving the dome.

If I just didn't need the I.D. to enter the University, I would still notice that I don't have it.

I even tried to find it in another pocket and other corners in my bag because I might have just misplaced it which I don't have a habit of but there really isn't.

My forehead furrowed and I felt the anxiety start to populate my system. It was not just because I will not be allowed to go to enter school without wearing it. It was because I didn't know where it fell... And a possibility suddenly entered my mind that made my heartbeat double.

It was as if someone shook my whole world by just thinking about the possibility that it fell on the resthouse where Hyacinth might see it.

My eyes went round I quickly slung one strap of my bag pack on my shoulder and then went out of the cubicle.

I was in a hurry heading out of the men's restroom when a woman was blocking the way. I tried to walk past by her, and I noticed that she was intentionally blocking my way but when I smelled the familiar scent of roses on that woman, I looked at her.

There, my eyes widened after I recognized who this person was.

"Are you looking for this... LESTER?" Hyacinth asked me in a cold tone and called my real name.

After hearing my real name from her, my world seemed to stop spinning. "H-hyacinth..."