Chapter 19 :- Headache

Nishant went in the room. He don't know how to handle this situation of aunt behaving like this.

" You are back " roshni said with a big smile on her face so that he doesn't get to know that she is upset by seeing this behavior of aunt

" Yes Roshni I am... " he started saying while coming towards her but roshni put her finger on his lips and stopped her from saying anything.

" Don't say anything " she said while withdrawing her finger from her lips

" But..... " he again started saying and again roshni stopped her by saying " It's only for 3-4 days and I can't do kitchen work and can't eat with you only but I can do other things " she said while putting a big fake smile on her face.

" You don't have to be strong all the time. You know you can share your thoughts, feelings with me " he said while brushing her cheeks with her thumb softly

" I am really okay " she said putting a smile on her face and holding her hand

He knows that he is not okay at all and he is just faking a smile so that he doesn't get worry.

" Shut up. I know you are not okay at all. Come here " he said while holding her hand and then hugged her

Nishant hugged her for a while . Then they did the dinner and while doing cuddle they fall sleep after a while.

As Roshni was facing all these things there Nishant was also facing things.

He worked hard in the office and then come home tired see all this. He was fed up with all this because now aunt even started blaming Roshni for the things she never did so Nishant decided that he will call her uncle and brother so that they both come here and make her understand that whatever she was doing was all wrong .