Chapter 1

Macy grabbed the railing and tried to steady herself. She didn't exactly know where she was headed because it felt like the world was on a merry-go-round but she walked on nevertheless. She had chosen this life ,hadn't she?

Hadn't she, a broken,cowardly woman tried to swallow her pain and grief?

Life had a way of messing around with people pretty good and in her case,she had been soiled and damaged.

She,a woman who on her twenty third birthday had seen her life,her future and had been quite sure of what it would entail.

She,a woman,who only in one night,saw her world crumble at her feet.

She,a weak woman,who had allowed life throw a despicable venom at her and had been too weak to dodge the blow.

She,a woman who had been reduced to nothing and who had been too ashamed to fight back.

She,a woman whose self worth had been stolen.

She,a pathetic wench,a smashed vase who had all the burden on the world placed on her fragile shoulders.

She,a woman who instead of seeking salvation, had sought imprisonment.

She,a woman who has become a slave to her own mistakes and who willingly served her punishment without looking for a way to break free.

She,a woman who had tasted the bitter pill that is betrayal and who her life had meant nothing to the people who their lives had meant everything to her.

Macy walked on,taunting herself,beating herself, smashing what was left of her pride and allowing her tears blur her vision.

When she couldn't keep herself steady anymore, she sat down on the nearest object she could lay her hand on and allowed her weakness to drag her into oblivion.


Daniel brought out his cell phone for the up tenth time that evening.

His manager has refused to call or send a text either. Bryan was beginning to get on his nerves.

He wondered how he even ended up with that nitwit and smiled inwardly. Try as he may to be enraged with his manager, he couldn't forget that Bryan was his best friend as well.

Daniel could swear that the imbecile was somewhere either pounding into one woman or trying to get another into his bed. How can another man's libido and  how he managed it be the center of his concern anyways.

Bryan can empty all this generation  into different rubbers and he,Daniel would be damned if he ever tried to talk him out of his promiscuity,ever again. But he would do a lot more than talking if he didn't turn on his phone that moment and at least reply either of his messages. He'd leave his fist on his jaw and make sure he carried it around anywhere he went.

Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at his own ridiculous thoughts.

Just then his phone rang,showing the caller ID as Bryan.

'I'd shove you into the nearest gutter if I was a meter close to you'. Daniel spoke into the receiver.

'Hi handsome'. A soft voice replied.

Daniel was too surprised to reply.

Just then,he heard a string of curses from Bryan and imagined him snatching the phone from the woman who he was sure to be another one of Bryan's prostitutes.

'Your woman is quite eager to move to her next lay'.

'I'm sorry,man. I know that was too much'. Bryan apologized.

'Nothing is too much when it comes to you Bryan and you better be at my door step in the next 10 minutes or a bullet into your asshole wouldn't be too much'. Daniel threatened and with that disconnected the receiver.


Macy opened her eyes and registered the impending darkness around her. Everywhere seemed quite and even safe. But she knew she wasn't safe,she wasn't safe anywhere and she needed to remember that all the time.

She was hungry,homeless and tired.

First,she needs a bath,then food,then a place to lay her head and then plenty rest.

She staggered to her feet and looked around the city of Los Angeles, California.

This is where her fate lies,this city will determine her continuous existence. This city will establish whether she,an already withering flower will be completely cut down and allowed to dry out or she will be watered and allowed to breath again.

She took a quick glance at her pocket watch and saw that it was a little over six pm. She had less than an hour to find a place to lay her head,even if for the night.

She weighed her right and left trying to choose between the two but knowing she had little or no time took the right instead. She took tired but determined strides until she arrived at a place that looked like a bar of some sort.

There were groups of tables surrounded by chairs and people around enjoying their drinks. Couples sat and chatted away.

Thankfully, there wasn't any loud music or band group as is the culture of many bars.

She straightened and adjusted the hand bag she was carrying. She took in the environment trying to figure who to walk up to.

After what seemed like ages,she was able to get the attention of one of the waitresses who looked cheerful.

'Hi'. She greeted the waitress who's fiery red hair matched the colour of her skirt.

'welcome to Sip bar, may I take your orders ma'am'. The young woman smiled sweetly.

'Erm...Sorry to disturb you but I am actually not here for a drink. I came to see if there's any vacancy here and if I could be hired'. She said quickly.

The young woman's countenance fell but she didn't give up her sweet smile.

'Oh! I thought I had another customer for the evening. Well,isn't it too late in the night to come looking for a job?'.

'I don't stay around,so jumping around trains and buses could make a Lady late,you know'. Macy's attempt at humour didn't get lost on the friendly woman who chuckled good naturedly.

'Well,I don't think Ma May will be too pleased as it is already late. But as they say 'A trial will convince you'.

Macy was pleased that the young woman was friendly enough to show her where the said 'Ma May' sat issuing orders to the other waitresses and wished her good luck but not without giving her a hint that Ma May was a difficult woman.

As she approached the older woman,her courage seeped away but she was determined to either get a job  or risk sleeping on the streets.

'Good evening ma'. She greeted the woman who looked around her mid fifties causing her to look up from the scarf she was knitting.

'Good evening young woman, I saw you distracting my workers and I was almost wondering why it was taking the big mouthed Clara a long time to send you to me seeing as you're not a potential customer'.

'I'm sorry ma'am, it wasn't my intention to cause distraction to your workers but Clara was the only one I was opportune to talk to. Everyone seemed busy. Macy tried to sound really sorry.

'So,how may I help you?' Ma May asked.

'I need you to give me a job'. Macy stated slowly.

'Why would I want to give you a job? I don't even know your name'.

'My name is Macy ma'am'.

'I didn't ask your name though'.

'I'm sorry ma'.

'Seems like the only thing you know how to say is sorry'. Ma May chuckled, surprising Macy.

'But,it's I who's going to be sorry this time because I can't offer you a job'.