Chapter 8

'You know what?. You're going home with me'.

Macy felt her ears tingle with the impact of his words.

He said it as if it was non negotiable.

What was she supposed to do? Leap with joy at the prospect of leaving this 'hole' she'd called home for four weeks straight? She didn't even know him. Granted,he'd forgiven her for damaging his property,had even taken her to the hospital and had had his friend pay her bills and had still brought her home in his car.

He had done so much for her in a day,

She should be grateful for that and she sincerely was.

She'd known he would be disgusted about the place she lived but she didn't exactly have other options lined out. She'd tried sarcasm,when he'd pointed out his dislike about her place,hoping it'd drive him through the door and out of her life but that hadn't worked one bit.

Who was this man and why was he so concerned about her and her baby's welfare?

Macy knew she had to refuse the offer,no matter how enticing it was.

She knew how pathetic she was and she didn't need a constant reminder.

'I can't go anywhere with you'. She said.

'I didn't exactly say you had an option'.

He was already wrapping her dresses and putting them into her handbag alongside her diary and the nylon they'd arrived with earlier.

'What are you doing?'.

'Not letting you spend another night here'. He replied and walked out with her things.

Macy sat there,speechless. She knew she needed help,her and her baby. But she just couldn't accept it just like that. This man had already done a lot for her in a day.

'Why are you doing this?' She couldn't help but ask when he matched back into the room.

'Because my conscience can't stand it if I don't. Is there anything else in this place you'd be needing?'

'So,this is you satisfying your conscience?'

'You couldn't be more right'.

Macy closed her eyes when his hands made contact with her body for the up tenth time that day and he lifted her into his arms.

She couldn't say no. She couldn't deny  her child this little chance to have a semblance of normalcy since it's existence. Even a woman as stubborn as she was knew when she'd gotten to that breaking point.

She wasn't going to fight him. She didn't have the power to. She was in pain from her sprained ankle and she knew she'd lost yet another job. With no job to keep food in her stomach and no legs to carry her to the job,she knew she had to accept this. For her child.


They arrived his home some thirty minutes later.

It was a self contained apartment in the middle of Santa Monica,Los Angeles.

The outside was simple but luxurious. It spoke volumes about the owner. This man,whoever he was had more than a few million dollars to his name.

He drove into his parking lot and stopped his car.

Macy admired the exterior of the building. There was enough space to contain a table tennis court by the right side and a swimming pool by the left.

He climbed out and she braced herself for another 'carrying' session.

When they entered inside,Macy realized that it was even more beautiful. The living room preceded the other rooms and was very spacious. It exuded so much masculinity and lacked any form of feminine touch. None of the furniture had even a spot of bright colour on it but every single item in the room screamed money.

'You have a very nice place'. She commented for lack of what to say.

'Thank you'. He replied,gingerly placing her on one of the couches.

'Welcome to my home'. He said,a tinge of pride in the announcement.

'Is it too late to ask 'Is anyone home?'. She smiled at him.

'Well, there's no one home'.

'What? You stay here all alone?'.

'Yes, I do. Surprised?'

'Not the least bit'.

'We didn't have a proper introduction, given the circumstances with which we met. So,what do you say to properly introducing ourselves to each other?'.

'That sounds like a plan'.

'I'll go first then'. Outstretching his hand to her,he continued. 'I'm Daniel. Daniel Williamson. Hollywood actor'.

Macy took his hand and shook it.

'Macy. Macy Brown. Ex waitress'.

His eyes widened a notch and then he shrugged.

'You do know I've lost my job right? And you know I'm gonna be living off you from now on. 'We'..... She gestured towards her stomach.'....Are actually gonna be living off you till I'm able to sort myself out. I hope you're prepared for that?'. She wanted to be sure he knew what accommodating her actually came with.

'Leave me to worry about that, will you?. In the meantime,let me get us something to eat. I'm actually starving'. He said and walked out,leaving her sitting there on the couch,her stomach grumbling at the mention of food and her mind filled with the future and how she dreaded to even take a step towards it.


'How could you allow this happen to you?.How could you be so stupid?'.

'Do you know what it is you have done?'

Her mom screamed hysterically.

Macy stubbornly blinked back her tears. She was done crying.

She had been doing that for three days straight and it did nothing to abate her shame and guilt.

'No, mum. It should be what 'he' had done. Can't you see it is i who's the victim? Can you not see it mum?'. Macy screamed at the top of her voice. She was beginning to regret opening up to her mum.

'I refuse to see anything...'. Her mum screamed right back. '....In the fact that while your dad and I were out of town,doing the work of the Lord,that you had been cruising the whole town and ended up getting yourself in this mess,you idiot'.

Her hands flew to her mouth and she wanted to just break down and cry some more.

'Mum...Please'. She pleaded,desperate for her mum to see past the fact that she had been a wayward daughter for for just one night in her life. A night that had destroyed her.

'Why did you tell me anyways?. The deed has already been done'. Her mum slapped her hand on her forehead. 'Oh God! I think I'm gonna die of a heart attack'.

'I want him arrested mum. I want to sue him, I want justice'. She said,her eyes pleading.

'What?'. The announcement seemed to have knocked air out of Rachael's respiratory tracts. 'What stupid justice are you talking about Macy. Don't you know his father?. Don't you know his family is one of the most influential families in America?. You think a commoner like you can get to them? Nobody will believe you my dear. Not a single person. Besides, our family name will be dragged to the mud. Your father and I have worked tirelessly for eighteen years to build a notable reputation in Mexico. We can't let this news come into the limelight. It's going to ruin us. What will people say?. What will the church say?. If you'll take my advice Macy. I'll advice that you keep your mouth shut and pretend that this whole 'madness' never happened'.


Macy dragged herself back to the present. Her eyes caught another pair staring back at her.

'Is it a hobby of yours,to stare directly into space?. You obviously haven't been listening to anything I was saying'. Daniel's hazel eyes were dancing with amusement.

'Huh?'. She was lost.

'I'll start from the last thing i said'.

'Which is?'.

'Why were you staying all alone?'. He dropped his cutlery and leaned back into his seat.

The question was sudden and unexpected.

Macy cracked her head,trying to come up with something very quick.

'I lost my parents. That's why'. She put in quickly.

'You lost your parents?. Is loosing your parents the reason you're staying in Los Angeles,in an almost dilapidated building, pregnant,sick and alone?'.

'You're too blunt. Besides that house wasn't dilapidated. It was just old and worn out'. She shifted uncomfortably.

'I'm sorry. I'm just too forward for my own good'.

'My answer is plain and simple. Life happened to me....'. She pushed her chair back and stood up.'....Would you mind showing me where I'm spending the night?'.

'You didn't eat your food'. He gestured to her untouched plate of mashed potatoes and salad.

'I have nothing resembling an appetite'.

'Well... I'm not going to let you go to bed on an empty stomach. Besides,you have drugs you're supposed to take. I'm sorry that my question upset you. But please,eat something....'. He stood up as well and came around to where she was standing.'.....Please'.

Macy let him put her back into the chair.

'Or would you rather I spoonfeed you?'. He made a funny face.

'Of course not...'. She tried not to smile. '... I'm not handicapped'.

'I'll make a fresh bowl if you want me'.

'It took you two hours to make two plates. It'll definitely take you another hour to make a third plate. So,no thanks'.

He threw his head back and laughed.

Macy smiled too.

She began to eat. The food tasting like saw dust in her mouth.