New Guy

Chapter 2

New Guy

I took my seat at the back of the class, and waited for the teacher to come in. When the teacher finally came in, the teacher was followed by a teen about my age. He wore the same uniform as me, and had blonde hair. He had a charming look to his face, and his body was defined perfectly. He had bright green eyes, and long blonde eyelashes. He had an almost floral citrus kind of scent, that smelled of roses, and oranges. For some reason, his scent was oddly appealing to me, but I didn't know why. He was extremely attractive, and was just my type. Was now a good time to mention I was gay? No one really knows this fact about me though, because I didn't have anyone to tell really. It'd just lead to more trouble if anyone found out anyways. "Listen up class, today we have a new student. Please give him your attention as he introduces himself." "Hello everyone, the name's Kayden Welson, and as you can tell, I'm a human. I just moved here from Arizona for my Dad's job. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope we can get to know each other." After he was done with his introduction, his eyes landed on me, and his eyes widened a bit. Maybe he was staring at the huge bruise on my face? I got uncomfortable under his gaze, and tried to hide the bruise with my hand, not knowing why. Since when did I care about what others thought about me? Yes, he was attractive, but it's not like I had a chance with him. Girls would probably be lining up to talk to him, and I wouldn't even have the chance anyways once he heard the rumors about me. His gaze kept looking me up and down, and I stopped paying attention to what the teacher was saying. 'Why is he looking at me like that…? I mean yeah, I have a bruise on my face, but since when did anyone care about me being hurt? He probably just feels pity for me at most… Plus, doesn't he know that it's rude to stare…?' Instinctively my ears went down, and after that he realized that the teacher was calling his name. "Kayden? Are you okay?" "Oh, yes, I'm fine sir. I wasn't paying attention, my apologies. What were you saying again?" "It's fine, I was just telling you to take a seat next to Kai in the back so we can begin class." 'Could this day get any worse? Now this guy is forced to sit next to me. I didn't need any more unwanted attention. And why was he even staring at me like that…?!' His eyes didn't seem like they were looking at my bruise. Almost looking at me with curiosity, and something of longing… Kayden pulled out the chair next to me, and sat down. 'He's so close that his scent is so overpowering! Why does he smell so nice?!' A slight blush could be seen on my cheeks, but I tried to turn away to not have anyone notice. 'Why am I blushing?! He's just sitting next to me, nothing is even going on!' My flushed cheeks didn't go unnoticed by Kayden though, and I could see a slight smirk on his face, while he laughed a bit. 'W-was he laughing at me?! Why is this guy laughing at me?! I wasn't blushing, I'm probably just hot from being outside all morning! Yeah, that's it!'

Throughout the teacher's lecture, Kayden occasionally glanced back at me. And each time he did it, it started making me feel really uncomfortable. First period finally ended, and I got up from my seat and walked towards my locker in the hallway to get my books for my next class. I opened my locker combination and switched out my books quickly, trying not to draw any unwanted attention. I could still smell Kayden's scent nearby. And it was getting closer. I turned around and there was a tall blonde, green eyed teen that had been staring at me all period. I think once I saw him, my heart skipped a beat for a second. 'Ugh, why is he having so much of an effect on me?!' I thought while confused. "Um, can I help you?" I asked slightly annoyed with the current situation. 'Why is he talking to me of all people?' "Oh, sorry. I'm Kayden, the new guy. I sat next to you in Biology. Your name's Kai right?" "Yeah, that's me. Do you need something?" I asked uncomfortably. "This school is really big, and I was wondering if you could show me to my next class?" 'Why is he asking me to help him? There are probably a ton of other people willing to help.' After he said this, I could see Brett looking at us from afar. 'This isn't good… My pack hates it when I try to make "friends" and usually teaches any who get near me a lesson, saying that no one is allowed to associate themselves with the omega of their pack. Either that, or they just give me a beating telling me to not talk to anyone and bring more shame to the pack. I don't want Kayden to get hurt for my sake… Wait, why do I even care about what happens to him?! For all I know he could just be like everyone else...' "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to go…" I said in a rush to get away. "Wait-!" Kayden reaches out for my hand, and grabs it to stop me from leaving. Once he touched me though, a strange feeling came over my body. It was warm, and it was like a spark was lit near where he just grabbed me. 'What was that? And why does his touch feel so good…?' Brett was starting to walk near us now, and I was starting to get nervous. My ears instinctively went down as I bowed my head a little in submission. Kayden looked confused as to my sudden change in behavior, but then he spotted Brett walking towards us. Kayden seemed to notice my tension, and stepped in front of me to block me from Brett's view. 'Why is he protecting me? Why does he even care about what happens to me? We just met after all...' "Is there a problem here?" Brett asked. "Kayden was just asking me to show him to his class since he's new here..." I answered nervously, surprised I didn't stutter. "Did I say you could talk?!" Brett's eyes flashed red, and suddenly my voice was stuck in my throat. I couldn't go against his orders. Brett walked past Kayden and whispered to me, "Haven't I told you to not make more of a disappointment out of our pack?! You should know the consequences of not following my orders by now Kai. Come to the back of the school once school ends. Oh, and if you're not there, or if you're even a second late, the consequences will be even more severe." I nodded my head as to say I would be there, not that I had much of a choice anyways. My body unconsciously started to shake a little from the thought of what would happen later. 'Might as well get the beating done with. It's been a while since they've given me a bad one, and they will want to remind me of what my place is in the pack, as if I could forget.' After he was done talking with me, he turned towards Kayden. "I'm sorry if our omega has bothered you in any way. My name is Brett Fetcher. Son of the alpha from the Blue Moon pack. If you need, my future beta Ben can show you to your next class." Kayden looked hesitant to leave me, and looked down at me bowing in submission. 'Now he knows how pathetic I really am.' I thought bitterly. Kayden kept staring at me though, and had a worried expression on his face. 'Why is he so hesitant to leave?' I did the only thing I could think of to get him to leave me, and I nodded to him telling him that I would be fine. Although I don't know how convincing I looked at that moment 'Why is this guy still worried about me? Usually after people find out that I'm an omega, they want nothing to do with me… I don't mind though. I'd rather them not talk to me. If they act nice then I just grow attached to them. When that happens, my pack will find a way to make them leave me. An omega isn't supposed to have any friends. At least that's what my pack says to me.' "Will you hurt him?" Kayden asked. What he asked shocked not only me, but also Brett and Ben. 'Why is he so worried about my safety?! We just met! Go while you still can before you get hurt and make things worse for yourself!' "I promise I won't hurt him during school today." Brett said with a devilish smile. Even if Kayden still wasn't up for Brett's promises, he still had to attend school, so he left for class with Ben while Brett stayed behind. "You better be there after school, or your new buddy is going to get a beating instead of you." After that, Brett walked away from me to get to his next class.