Hale Fire

I guess I need to thank Rafael for waking up my werewolf gene at 7 years old.

Ever since then, Melissa has been paying attention to me more lately but she also pays attention to Scott.

5 years later***

I was walking with Scott and Stiles to Middle school, it is our first year in middle school, we are in our 6th grade. They were talking about joining the lacrosse team later.

I walked slower letting them talk about their goals, I was thinking about my werewolf bloodline, ever since that day my physical powers have been growing exponentially, I can lift a car with one hand only. I did not know that werewolves were this strong but I welcome this development.

I don't know when I'll stop growing stronger but I doubt I'll ever will, also when I awaken my werewolf, my eyes were red with a slit as pupil like I had asked Jesus. So I was a new turned alpha? I don't know honestly the show was about Werewolves but didn't go through that many detailed origins of it.

it's okay I can figure them out by myself later as I grow stronger, My healing was a cheat, Now I didn't have wolverine healing but I certainly was far above Alphas here, cuts can heal in mere seconds I feel like the healing of a werewolf here is like the healing of a new-turned vampire, which is nice. I am fast, not lightning fast but I was fast enough to be seen as a blur. My sense can pick up activity 10-mile radios, but I keep low, around half a mile only since more than that would be too much information that I don't need, so I won't expand my sense unless I have to, having to sense half a mile is already good enough. I also seem to have the other werewolf abilities, like mind reading with claws and take the pain away.

I lost track of time thinking about my powers when I sensed a girl about to bump into me so I turned around and catch her.

"Oowwie" she moaned in pain as she hit something firm, my chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes, but you should look where you are go-" she chastised me but was looking down, when she looked up at the boy who caught her, her brain stopped working and just stared at him.

I laughed softly seeing her expression, I am a handsome guy after all. lengthy brown hair, green eyes. I have a shredded muscle body, if I have to compare, I can compare them to real-life people but perhaps, Killua would be the best example. Though I am taller around 5'8" ft tall whilst the little girl in front of me is around 5' so she had to look up a bit.

I waved my hand in front of her getting her out of her transcend "You okay?" I asked again.

She just nodded, stumped her feet, and with a humphed she took off with rosy cheeks.

I just snickered "So this is Lydia, eh"

The day passed fast for me, however, I did not go home without getting Lydia's name from her. She didn't want to but finally gave in when I said if she didn't I would have to kiss it out of her. Her cheeks went red and shouted "Lydia" before running off to her mom's car. "Cute" I stated high enough for her to hear me, she ran faster after that.

It was night time and when I was about to go to sleep I smelled burning wood.

I instantly shot up from my bed, 'No way! is it today?. the Hale Fire'

I put on my shirt and left the house through the window, jumped the roof, and land graciously on my foot. I started running towards the woods and the smell got stronger and stronger, there was flesh burning as well.

I ran faster reaching 100 miles per hour or so. as soon as I was in proximity I slowed down and saw the whole house burning, screams can be heard inside the house.

I saw some men having a wicked smile and it bothered me so I transformed into a 7 ft tall beast with red eyes.

I circled the men around while doing so I saw a young woman in front of them with a smile as well.

I circled them and growled deep and loud that sent shivers down their spines.

3rd PoV

They quickly raised their guns and crossbows. "Kate, he sounds angry" informed one of the men to the woman.

"I know, be ready. I might have missed one of the family members inside the house" Kate warned them

Soon a shriek was heard, a man was taken before their eyes but they couldn't see anything.

"Gather around!" shouted Kate. They all did so and started pointing their weapons everywhere.

"aaahhh" another man was taken before their eyes. "What the fuck is happening!?" shouted Kate getting slightly scared.

Only 2 men remained when heavy footsteps can be heard. They all turned around and saw a Lycan werewolf showing his vicious teeth, "an alpha" whispered Kate taking a step back. The men started shooting at it but the beast evaded all their shots. Kate saw this and took the chance to flee.

Never had she encounter such a beast before, a beast that would grip her heart with fear, she was afraid for the first time. She ran as fast as she could away from the beast, made it to her car, and left. Her heartbeat was besting so fast that she thought she would pass out any second.

Ezekiel POV

I killed the men and was about to chase after Kate when I noticed movement inside the house.

When I arrived here everybody was already burning to death but now I see a small girl hitting the window trying to get out. I jumped on the first story roof and went to the window and saw her lying on the floor passed out inhaling all the smoke, I broke inside and took her out immediately.

Once outside, she started coughing harshly. I waited for her to calmed down and she looked at me with pleading eyes "Please, save my family!"

I looked down "I'm sorry, I don't hear any heartbeat anymore"

"What do I do now?" she cried

"Do you have some other family you can go to?" I asked.

She shook her head

"Okay, what is your name?"

"Cora, Cora Hale" she replied

"Okay Cora, the police will be here any minute, so it would be best if you wait for them here"

She nodded "Can you wait with me?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

I shook my head "I can't be here once they arrived. but I will stay here until they arrive, once I see them coming here I'll leave but don't worry. I would look for you afterward, okay?" I grabbed her hand squeezing softly in confort.

She stared at me for a few seconds before nodding "okay" I was sitting on the ground leaning my back on a tree and she scooch over beside me and rested her head on my lap as I caress her head and calm her beating heart.

Soon, the sirens were heard from a distance, I got up and she watched as I was ready to leave, she looked reluctant to let me go "will I see you again, really?" she asked hopefully.

I chuckled nodding and rubbed her dry tears away from her cheeks, she glanced down at my hands and closed her eyes feeling my warm hands.

I left as soon as the police car approached just around the corner. I waved goodbye and she did the same.

After I left she touched her heart that's pounding fast, though she didn't know if it was the adrenaline pumping or how the hands of the young boy felt warm and soft with concern to her, she put her hands on her chest and sighed.

She saw the Sheriff rushing out of his car towards her, she just waited there frozen in the same place as if in shock. The Sherrif saw the house and then her and could deduce what had happened here. or so he thought.

He was about to ask when he noticed blood on the trees and claw marks.

The Press arrived almost at the same time as the police and started taking shots of the house but soon they all stopped, the sun was rising and they saw something that only was done in the 1st centuries or horror movies.

They saw 6 bodies impaled on stakes in the ground, some threw up at the sight and others started taking pictures of the atrocity that happened here, but they saw something on the men stuck in the stakes, their faces showed terror.

Cora was long sent to the hospital, so she didn't see this but she would not say a thing because these people were evil and killed her family.

The police asked her questions and she answered them as best as she could leaving the boy part out.

She told them that the people on the stakes set their house on fire killing her whole family and they had done it with a smile on their faces before someone killed them.

'So, we have a fugutive, vugilante and a killer, all three things in one person' thought the officer before writing down his notes.

The officers couldn't get any concrete evidence on who had impaled the bodies so they just left and gave their information to the chief.

The news spread out like wildfire. soon the news reached outside the town and made it international and called this act the Dracula Massacre. Some people called Ezekiel Hero and some called him a monster.

He on the other hand was taking a shower peacefully when his mom entered the shower with him