Another One

It's winter break and we are having a family vacation over in San Francisco. San Francisco's Bridge has always been one of my favorite things.

Wonder and amazement on how deep they had to dig to be able to hold the bridge.

Melissa, Cora, and I were having fun. Scott decided to go on vacation with Stiles and his dad.

Soon, it was nighttime and it was time to pick a hotel, I picked a cleaned and expensive one since the ones that are 'cheap' are still in the hundreds a night.

"Hello, miss. We would like to stay here" I said as I smiled at the receptionist.

She didn't even look up and said "we don't have any rooms availa-" she paused when she looked up at me and widens her eyes, smiled and winked at me "but, there is a room at the top, it's really expensive but my father is the owner, so I can give it to you for free if you do something for me"

I raised an eyebrow "Really" I leaned over the counter nearing her pretty dark skin beautiful face.

Cora and Melissa rolled their eyes "Can we have the keys, now?" both of them asked simultaneously.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw them a little annoyed, Cora more than Melissa as Cora has been asking me to take her virginity for a year now, Melissa on the other is satisfied with having milk as breakfast only. if you know what I mean. Melissa is also a little scared of the size so she just rubbed her folds on top of the huge rod.

I looked back at the receptionist "Can we have the key for the ladies, Mrs?" I requested.

She nodded and gave Melissa the keys "It's 509, all the way up" she informed her.

Melissa just nodded and looked at me "We'll ask delivery, do you want anything?" She asked.

I smirked and glanced at the woman behind the desk "I think I'll be fed properly"

The receptionist just blushed and nodded. Melissa giving her the stink eye but she didn't care.

Melissa and Cora started walking towards the elevator, "By the way, my name is Tasha"

Melissa paused and her body shook, Cora saw this and giggled pulling Melissa with her to the room.

Part of the reason why Melissa has not allowed sex with me is because of payback or so she says, since a day 2 months ago she found me pounding a delirious Tasha screaming my name and cursing me for not doing her sooner.

Tasha was forbidden from seeing me ever since then but she always looks for me when no one is around.

The receptionist Tasha closed the front entrance doors and pulled me to the room behind the desk. There was a room there and a big window and you can see inside since the lights are on, she took me inside and turned off the lights, Soon moans started to sound through the whole first floor, some people came out to check with their cameras out and filming the window where the sound was coming from, they couldn't see very well but seconds later a woman was pushed on the window, her mouth agape as she screamed from pleasure from being pounded from behind, her eyes started rolling back and her body started sliding down the widow limply. The people filming rapidly started laughing and cheering for the lucky guy pounding the cute receptionist, they didn't dare because she was after all the daughter of the hotel owner, who is said to have a chain of hotels around the states.

After a few hours, the people had left already and I also left leaving Tasha with spunk all over her and inside her. She won't wake up till tomorrow. As I was leaving the room, there was another girl at the reception desk. I greeted her and she shyly said hello.

I walked out of the hotel to get fresh air. I started strolling around the area when I heard muffled noises. and multiple men cackling.

I made my way to the sound and found myself in a shady ally. It's really dark here, for simple people that is.

My eyes don't glow to see in the dark though it is cool, it is unnecessary. I can always see perfectly in the dark without activating anything. I saw 7 men ripping a woman's clothes off.

The woman has short red hair, and a voluptuous body, she looked around her mid-30s.

The men on the other hand were glowing yellow eyes as they tried to push the woman on the floor, but the woman resisted for a bit before her body shook in powerlessness.

The werewolves were grinning about to kill the woman who has been hunting them down, it would only be fair to make her suffer a little before killing her, they thought. They didn't notice the steps nearing on them as they approached them.

Only one werewolf halted as he heard steps and a rare smell. He turned around to see only for his view time turn 180 *crack* his neck was broken.

The other 6 werewolves noticed and looked at him with vicious teeth, two of them ran at me and I grabbed their necks holding them in the air *crack* their necks broke and threw them to the other two who jumped on me.

*swoosh* I disappeared in front of their eyes





Four more bodies fell on the ground with holes in their chests. Only one left, soon the last one left running away from here. I groaned "I don't feel like chasing tonight, not men anyways" I glanced at a small steel bar on the ground, picked it up, and threw casually but it made a whistling sound before hitting its target. "Oouu, right in the ass" I saw the man struggled before his body stopped and his heartbeat slowed down until there was no heartbeat.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the woman trying to stand up and get ready to battle.

I chuckled as I approached her "You need not be afraid of me"

"I'm not afraid of a beast" she snorted before grabbing her stomach in pain before leaning on the wall with a knife in her hand.

I approached her which her body tensed up

Unknown POV

'she got careless' she thought, her husband doesn't know she is hunting down werewolves alone and now she is bout to be a plaything for these disgusting creatures.

She rather dies, she pointed her knife to her throat but one of the werewolves held her hand and threw the knife away from her.

She felt despair, 'why?' she pleaded with tears threatening to fall. She detests werewolves, she despises them, the men started to rip her clothes off but won't show her weak state. She is a strong woman, and she will not give these creatures the satisfaction of seeing her scared or broken.

She had determined but even she can't stop her hands from shaking from fear.

When the men were about to touch the body only her husband is allowed to, she saw the men stopped in their tracks and turned to a man walking casually towards them. 2 werewolves attacked him but he killed them effortlessly as he did with the other ones.

I stared at him in admiration at how easy it took him to do what she couldn't, his strength was marvelous and she wanted to know more about him but she had to keep her serious face at the unknown young man, She picked her knife ready to attack 'Not that I can do much in this state' she thought.

Her legs shook and soon she had to balance herself on the wall to stay on her feet.

She heard the young man laugh and approached her but for some reason, she felt safe around him, enough that she collapsed on him.

Ezekiel POV

I held her in my arms and took her to her hotel which ended up being the same as mine.

I checked her memories by placing my index finger on her forehead, Inserting claws into bodies is weird.

I checked her memories and found out this is Allison's mother, Victoria Argent. She had come here on a 'week vacation'. this was her first day as it was mine. She was here instead to kill a pair of werewolves killing people around but there weren't just two but seven of them which ended in her being in this situation.

I found out that I have a healing ability much like the angels from Supernatural. I had tested to see if my blood could heal people already but instead, I received a note in front of me saying

"Yo, Jesus here. I couldn't get around the idea of people drinking blood to heal, that's something only I do. My blood is holy so, If you are gonna use your blood to heal people they might call you the next Messiah and I'm not ready to step down just yet, Louisa hasn't answ-...*cough* I mean, No bloody healing for you instead I'll give you an angel's healing ability. Your welcome, Bye."

I was flabbergasted at first but to heal people with a single touch is cool.

I wasn't going to use it on Victoria though. She needs to earn it.

Speaking of power, my bite is really powerful, when I bit a powerful, he became black goo in a matter of moments. But my death bite is like venom so I can control it if I want to release it, that's good. I hadn't specified this with Jesus before, it's good to know he was reading my thoughts.

Over the years, I have just become too strong, I think. I can lift a train car with one hand and use it as a weight lift. Speed? I am around 300 mp/h.

I'm not complaining, actually being OP is good. Means I can protect my loved ones better.

Anyway, I made my way to her room which by some coincidence ended up being the one at the end of the hall if our floor.

I took all of her ripped clothes off leaving her naked, I carried her to the bathtub and cleaned her off, changed her into a sleeping outfit, put her on the bed to rest, and covered her with a blanket.

I put a note on her desk

"Your Welcome, Call me xxx-xxx-xxx"

I left and went to my room with Melissa and Cora and saw Melissa naked on the bed.

I walked towards the bed, grinning.

'Oh, Dear, mother. Tonight is the night that you try your first and only huge dong'



another one

Tomorrow I might release another chapter, who knows. I have nothing to do in the afternoon so I'll see if I have the motivation enough to release another chapter tomorrow lol

I'm not threatening you...👉