Chapter 9: "Let's Hope Not"

Today was Saturday and after being healthy enough by God standards to return to school, I was thanking Uncle Zeus for creating the weekend.

I stared at the mirror for a few seconds. My skin was paler than normal, hair limp and always dry for some reason. I looked sick like ..deathly sick but I felt fine.


My head snapped around, looking for the source of the voice but I was alone then a sharp pain hit me in the chest ,making me cry out in pain.

By now I was flat out in the middle of my room, gasping for air then suddenly the door bell rang and I knew exactly who it was and the pain disappeared.

"Hazel!" I glanced at the door but stayed on the carpeted floor.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Blake poked his head in.

He rose an eyebrow." Angel is downstairs"

"Yeah, I know" I said as I got up.

Blake stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

I glanced back at him.

His dark hair was messy like he was running his hand through it constantly, the tight t-shirt was all too distracting and the look he was giving me wasn't helping either.

"I'll be down soon" I said, starting at feel abit uncomfortable.

He nodded and left.

Angel' s lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as he saw me.

It made my heart melt abit.

I couldn't help but to stare at him, the man was beautiful...

"You are staring" He stated, a smirk on his face.

My cheeks flushed pink and i smiled sheepishly.

I jumped when his arm came across my shoulders and his fingers touched my face.

Isn't funny how I'm the daughter of the God of love and I have never had a date in my life.

Angel leaned in, his breath fanning my face and I couldn't resist the urge to do the same.

Warm hands trailed down my arm and then the most wonderful thing happened.... Angel kissed me.

A whimper escaped my lips as his mouth attacked my neck, the feeling sending me crazy and making my toes curl.

He paused, looking behind me with embarrassment clear on his face.

Confused, I glanced back and I almost choked on my saliva.

"Oh don't let us interpret " I could hear the anger in his voice, which make me cringe.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

My dad walked past us with Hades and my grandmother close behind and I could feel the anger radiating of him like the sun.

"I should go.. " Angel said, standing.

"Yeah.. I'll see you Monday"

"If your dad doesn't have me killed first" He joked but pure fear swept across my face at that possibility.

"That.. wouldn't happen...right?"

"Let's hope not" I said.

After Angel left, I quietly crept pass the kitchen where the adults were and I was almost home free until...

"Where do you think you are going?" I felt my blood run cold.

I turned around." Hi dad.."

"Kitchen now "

I sat beside Hades who gave me a warm smile, even though I was in deep shit.

"Care to explain that?" Eros asked, drilling holes into my soul with those blue eyes that I sadly didn't inherit.

Actually I didn't inherit anything from my dad other than my hair color which was a common black. My Face is cubby and I have big brown eyes and his jawline is sharp. We didn't look anything alike.

One could easily question if he's my real dad.


I blinked a few times. "I'm sorry ..what was the question?"

Eros rose an eyebrow." Clearly you weren't paying attention."

He started ranting and I kinda tuned him out, my attention drifting over to my grandmother, Aphrodite.

Her soft red curl framed her sharp, beautiful features and again there was no similarity between us.

Why didn't i noticed this earlier?

"You are banned from seeing that boy "

"What?!" I exclaimed. "You can't do that."

"Yes I can and I just did."

I was shocked.

Eros sat down, folding his arms over his chest." I dare you to defy me"

"Grandma! Do something"

Aphrodite sighed." Son, don't you think you are going abit overboard? They are in love and you of all people should know that love overcomes everything."

"They aren't in love. She is , not him" Eros said then turned his attention to me." I'm trying to protect you. It's the seal , he doesn't love you"

"I can take care of myself dad. I don't need you anymore. " I saw my words cut him like a knife and a fleeting moment there, I saw a broken man but just fast as it came, it was gone.

"He doesn't love you and he never will!" My dad exclaimed, his face turning red.

"Yes he does!"


The loud sound of fist on the dinning room table echoed throughout the house.


As soon as those words left my mouth, I wished for a redo.

Eros stiffened, his blue eyes watering slightly and hurt was written over him.

I hurt my superman.

"You are grounded" He said softly. "Go to your room please"

I stared at him, I wanted to hug him.

The big bad cupid broken by a girl.... that's a headline.



I nodded and snapped my fingers and my room came into focus.

I sank to the floor, curling up like a ball.

We never fought like that before. My dad was my hero and I broke him.

Why did I say that?

I don't hate him... I mean he's my dad, I could never hate him.

I stood up, packing a small suitcase.

I needed to get out of the house.

I snapped my fingers and the whole room changed from sky blue wallpaper to a large room with purple paint with oak furniture.

"You're back".