Chapter 2


The cafeteria was on the first floor by the gym, I wandered inside as kids flowed into the room. I looked around as the tables slowly filled up, where was I going to sit? I decided to grab some food even though I hardly felt hungry; my stomach was in knots.

No one had talked to me today, I just heard the whispers and saw the sideways glances as I walked by. I just wanted to sink into myself and disappear. I quickly grabbed my lunch tray and walked back into the main lunch room. There was one table in the back that was still empty and that is where I planned to sit.

I squeezed through a group of people standing in the aisle between the tables, as I was passing through someone backed into me knocking me off balance. My whole tray flew out of my hands as I stumbled to the ground.

"You did not just to that!" A venomous voice hissed.

I looked up at her from the ground and slowly picked myself up. She still stood a whole head length above me, which wasn't uncommon with how short I was. My eyes skimmed her body, and my lunch was now covering from her and was dripping onto her shoes.

Her face was contorted into a nasty glare. Her icy blue eyes stared down at me sending a shiver down my spine. "What is your problem?" She screamed grabbing my jacket collar.

"Uh-it, it was.." I stammered nervously, unsure of what to say.

"This is Prada! You completely ruined my dress. This costs more than you're worth." She hissed.

"I'm sorry" I whispered sheepishly wishing I could disappear already.

"You're sorry?" She scoffed, "What is that going to do? This dress was 5,000 dollars and a gift from my dad. Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness."

I chuckled nervously, she couldn't be serious?

"What's so funny?" Her face was turning more red as she gripped my jacket tighter in her hand.

Before I could answer a girl stepped in between us "Give it a rest Olivia, that's last years design anyways. No one is afraid of you now go run off to your followers."

Olivia released me and looked me up and down, "This isn't over and don't think that she can protect you." She turned on her heel and stormed out of the lunchroom.

The girl who just saved me turned around and flashed me a smile, her teeth looked extra white next to her tanned skin. Her light brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail, her brown eyes had a softness to them as she looked at me.

"Thank you so much" I said gratefully as I smoothed out my jacket.

"No thank you!" Her face lit up as she said that "I've always wanted to do that to her, but never could. I think we will make great friends. My name is Ari, its nice to meet you" she said extending her hand.

Friends? Maybe today wouldn't be as hard as I thought. "I'm Luce" I shook her hand softly.

"Luce?" She stated my name like a question an paused for a second, "Love the name. Let's go find somewhere to sit. Are you hungry?" She asked.

I shook my head, after that whole fiasco my stomach definitely couldn't handle food. She grabbed my hand and drug me to the empty table in the back of the lunchroom. She plopped down across from me and chuckled. I tilted my head slightly, questioning why she was laughing.

"Sorry" she waved her hand apologetically, "I can't believe that just happened. You seriously made my day"

"I'm guessing you two aren't friends then?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

Ari made a disgusted face, "No definitely not. More like sworn enemies" she sighed. "She was dating my brother up until a couple days ago. I was actually plotting my revenge but then there you were dumping your entire tray of food on her." She stopped to giggle, "What made you do that in the first place?"

I shrugged, "I actually didn't mean to but someone knocked me over and I can be a little clumsy" I admitted "She looked like she was about to kill me." I was still horrified of the evens that just took place.

"Yeah right, I wouldn't have let her she definitely deserved that."

"Do you think that everyone saw that?" I asked hopeful that this wouldn't be the reputation that proceeded me.

She nodded "Yeah that's what made it even better, I think the entire school saw."

I groaned burying my head into my hands. "Great" I just wanted to skate by this year completely unnoticed.

"Not everyone" an unknown voice said. My head whipped up at the sound of his voice and I was now staring into his dark brown eyes. He was extremely handsome, his hair a few shades darker than Ari's was tousled into messy spikes. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. "Who is this?" He asked Ari, not letting his eyes leave my gaze.

"Dylan this is Luce, the most incredible human ever." Dylan flashed me a smile and i felt a little woozy as he looked at me, "Luce this is my twin brother Dylan. AKA Olivia's ex-boyfriend."

"I'm not incredible, it was an accident I swear" I said nervously.

"Either way that's awesome" He let out a laugh "I'm just mad that i missed the whole thing. But that's all everyone can talk about now."

"I just hope that someone snapped a picture so that it can go in the yearbook" She said hopeful, "Maybe I could bribe the editor to make it the cover page" Ari snickered.

I shook my head, "If I can just make it through the rest of the year without anyone mentioning this incident again that would be great" I huffed. I was still embarrassed and wasn't sure if I would ever stop being embarrassed.

Ari rolled her eyes, "I hope you know you just became everyone's hero. Everyone is afraid of her so just enjoy the praise."

"She threaten me!" I countered "I've never had an enemy before." I looked at Ari like she was crazy.

Dylan sat down next to his sister and looked at me sympathetically, "Honestly Luce, we both have your back. If she tries to mess with you she has another thing coming."

I smiled feeling a little better that they were protecting me. "Isn't she your ex girlfriend? She could win you over again and use you against me." I stated.

He looked at me amused, "You don't have to worry about her using me against you. She cheated on me with half the football team. I'm completely unattached and single if I may add" he said with a wink.

"Okay gross." Ari said shoving Dylan away "Leave me and my new friend alone."

He just smirked and turned to leave, but shot me one last glance "See you around Luce."

"Sorry about my brother he is a pig, just ignore him like I do." She said annoyed.

I gave her a big smile and laughed, "I'm sure he was joking."

Back home I was invisible to boys, I've never even kissed anyone. I was never asked to prom or dance and any time guys did flirt with me it turned out to be a joke. And honestly I didn't mind. It seemed like relationships always turned into drama and I was always focused on doing well in school.

"Can I see your schedule?" Ari asked extending her hand "Maybe we have classes together!"

I dug through my backpack and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper, handing it to her.

"I think fate is in our hands, our last two classes are together!" She clapped excitedly.

I sighed in relief, I was thankful to finally know someone in my classes. "Really? Well I hope those teachers are a lot less painfully dull and boring than my first three teachers."

Ari's lipped curled into a half smile, "Honestly not much better. But our gym teacher is hot!"

I felt my face flush, "Ari!" I snickered, covering my mouth "He's our teacher!"

She gave me a wicked smile "Just you wait and see my friend."

The bell rang, echoing through the lunchroom. Ari led me through the sea of our classmates, she gripped my arm tightly as she drug me to our chemistry class. I was thankful to have made a friend already. Ari was really nice and bubbly and it was hard to feel timid and shy around her like I normally am.