The beginning

All my life I knew that this moment would come, it would be exchanged or given as an object. It would belong to a man who made me his focus of lustful lust and depraved perversions. My luck was always cast and I had already made peace with my destiny.

But nothing ever prepared me to belong to him.

My life was summed up in two simple parts:

My destiny: To be his slave.

Please my owner.

My plan: Make her life hell.


And never, but never ever, fall in love with him.

All countries live wrapped in their traditions, which make each nation its particularity, but even the most prosperous and developed nations have a hidden side. One hidden through the years in plain sight, like the bad weed that you can't get rid of, leaving you only the option of learning to live with it. Some learn to survive with them and others to take advantage of it.

Corruption is not exempt even in the best nations, rich people and owners of important businesses are linked to that world. Politicians get their hands dirty getting their cut for turning a blind eye, while giving speeches on the importance of morals and honesty for the prosperity of their nations.

Only smoke screens to hide what they do sneakily in the middle of the night in some dark alley, or behind closed doors in the privacy of some cheap hotel room. My nation is no exception, in India, trafficking in women is as common as shopping for bread.

Virgin and beautiful women are kidnapped from their countries or brought to ours deceived, hoping for a happy marriage with the man they have fallen in love with and upon arrival they find a sad reality.

Now they belong to Trafficking Women.

And it is not that those born in this country are very safe from these atrocities.

Many are offered by their parents as a gift to close a good deal, or as a token of goodwill to end old disputes between families, or are simply sold to a rich man.

The best thing that some of these women can get out of this last option is that these men generally have many wives, so after the dazzling phase of the new acquisition, you become one more of the bunch who only pay her attention from time to time, remembering her husband that you exist.

Under these circumstances, few are the men who have less than two wives at their disposal. The law dictates that as long as they have money to support them they can have as many as they want.

And for my luck or curse, I am a daughter of India.