
Phoenix's POV

On the ride home Nikesh asked me.

"Why do you want to go to EAH?"

I sighed. As soon as I parked at home I explained my situation with Justin to Nikesh. As soon as I was done he practically almost waged war on his pack because he rejected me.

He understood where I was coming from and he accepted it. Now to tell mom and dad. Nikesh and I walked into my dad's office.

Mom was with him and we told them. After that, my dad was filled with rage and fury as my mom was calm. To be very honest. Mom is very scary when she is calm. Mom does not compare to her.

Just then mom got up and walked outside with us behind her. We got to the clearing before she said in the calmest voice which means she is really pissed.

"I am going to his pack now."

She shifted into her white wolf with black tips on her ears and tail and ran to his pack. Before we could register what she meant, it was too late. She was already halfway there.

We all shifted and ran after her. We were at the alpha and luna's house. Mom shifted back with her clothes still on and knocked on the door. We too shifted and ran to her.

The door opened and revealed Luna Evie, mom's best friend. Luna Eve smiled at us.

"Hi, Lilly." Luna Evie greeted.

"Hi, Evie." Mom said.

We walked into the house to see Alpha Rock sitting comfortably on the couch.

'Mom, please don't tell them about me and their son! If he gets hurt I will be affected! Please, mom! For me!'

I mind-linked her. Her face softens and she nodded her head.

When alpha Rock saw us he immediately got up and smiled while coming over to hug us.

Alpha Rock and my dad were also best friends and Rock is like an uncle to us.

"Alex! So good to see you! And the kids!" He exclaimed.

"Hey! We aren't kids anymore Rocky" I said mockingly as I said his full name which I know he hates.

We all laughed and just talked. They asked why we were here and dad just said that it was a long-overdue visit. Mom and dad also accepted me in going to EAH.

"So I have some news," I said to Rock and Evie.

They both looked at me.

"I've decided that I want to go to the EAH with Nikesh and Ethan."

They both looked shocked and excited at the same time.

"Congrats! How long are you going for?" They asked.

"2 years tops with this knucklehead!" I gestured to Ethan.

Ethan had a fake pained look on his face. I just laughed at his reaction.

"So when are you guys going to leave for EAH?" Evie asked.

"Tomorrow near midnight," Ethan replied.

"Well then. We should go to the diner before you guys leave." Evie said.

"That sounds great." Dad agreed.

We all nodded our heads. After another hour we headed back home.

Evie's POV

Wow! The EAH. So cool!

As they left we planned on going to their house to cook and have dinner there. Just then Justin walked through the door.

"Hey, honey," I said

"Hey, mom. Hey dad." He said smiling.

"Hey we're going over to the Fallen Darkness Pack tomorrow night," I said to him. His eyes widen at the mention of their name.

Almost forgot, the Fallen Darkness Pack is the most ruthless and feared pack in the world. And we just going over to have dinner with them.

"Why?" He asked

"We are celebrating my niece and nephew's leave with the alpha and luna," I replied.

If his eyes could get any bigger they did.

"Wait! You're related to them!" He yelled.

"Your tone!" Rock yelled at him. I shook my head in amusement.

"No silly. We are best friends with them. And they came over not too long ago."

He just nodded his head before walking to his room. sometimes I really wonder if he will ever find his mate.