Well Hello

Phoenix's POV

As we drove closer to our destination I could see curious eyes everywhere. We got to the packhouse and saw Uncle Rock, Aunt Evie, Ex-mate, and his new slut at the entrance. As we came to a halt, Winter and I drove past the boy's car and right in front of them. Ethan and Nikesh got out of the car and took off their shades.

Aunt Evie gasped.

"Nikesh! Ethan! It's so wonderful to see you both!"

She went up to them and gave a bone-crushing hug.

Winter and I took off our helmets. We shake out our hair and hopped off our bikes

"Well hello," I said grabbing their attention.

"Phoenix!" Aunt Evie exclaimed.

I chuckled and gave her a hug.

"Hello Uncle Rock," I said

"My how you've grown into such a lovely woman."

When they heard this Ethan, Nikesh and Winter tried to keep in their laughs. I gave them a glare and instantly stopped.

I gave Rock a hug before even looking at my ex-mate and his slut.

I gave them a fake smile.

"Hello, Justin and I presume the woman beside you is your girlfriend?"

"I'm his mate actually. The name Vivian bitch" She said the last word low but not low enough for me and the others not to hear.

"Don't call my sister a bitch" Ethan said angrily.

Once he said that she cowered away.

"Anyways. Can we get settled in?" I asked.

Aunt Evie nodded her head eagerly.

"You won't be in the packhouse, You will be beside the packhouse. The three-story house that we built for you. I thought that if you guys ever wanted to come and stay we thought to build a house in the middle of the packhouse and our family house." Rock said.


"Thanks, Uncle Rock and Aunt Evie," Nikesh said.

They showed us the house and to say the least, it was HUGE! The top floor had five massive rooms, the middle room is the master bedroom, the second was a whole training area and dining area and lastly, the main floor was the living room with lazy boy couches and Samsung digital flat screen and the main kitchen area. At the back was a large lawn for training and a huge swimming pool. And lastly, there was a basement for any sort of use.

We thanked them and they went back home.

Now down to business. We got our cars and motorbikes in the garage and grabbed our suitcases. we will be using the second floor to put our weapons there. Lucky for us uncle and aunt installed a highly secure place to put our weapons. The weapons will be placed on the wall that transforms into whole storage for putting weapons in.

After unpacking for what felt like hours all four of us went to the mall to get something to eat. We all got a large coffee on the go and then went to Macca's (a.k.a Mc Donalds) and got some food. As I waited in line with Winter we were approached by some fuck boys from a different pack.

"Hey girls. What are you doing later tonight?"

"Hey wanna go and have some fun?"

I turned around to look at them. One had blue eyes and black hair and his power radiating off him meaning he is an alpha to be. The other one had grey stormy eyes and blonde hair, he smelt like a beta to be. lucky I covered my scent.

"Sorry, not interested so fuck off" then turned back in line with Winter.

"What did you say to me bitch! Do you know who I am! I am the future alpha of the third strongest pack!" the one with blue eyes growled.

I turned around again. Now I'm pissed.

"Oh no. Boys run while you still can." Winter said.

"Shut up bitch" grey eyes said.

"Do you know who I am?" I said threateningly.

"I am from the Fallen Darkness pack," I said

"So? Is that supposed to scare me?" the one with blue eyes said

"It will soon as you know who my parents are." As I said that I let my alpha blood be known to them.

I saw their smiles turn to shock. They ran off and I laughed and so did Winter. We got our food, ate then went back to the packhouse and spent some time there.