Plans and Unexpected Visitors

Justin's POV

As Phoenix walked out I couldn't help but process what she said to me.

'You may not be alpha but you will be someday!'

'If your pack member is in danger then you go and find him or her no matter the circumstances!'

'You need to grow up and learn how to become a good leader someday for your people'

What she said was right. I need to stop being a child and focus on this pack and what it needs. And what it needs is their true Luna. I intend on getting you back Phoenix. If it's the last thing I do.

Phoenix's POV

Right now I am up getting ready for the meeting with the others. I will be wearing washed-out blue skinny jeans, a white blouse and my black leather jacket along with my black boots. I leave my hair in its natural state and put on a little makeup.

I head downstairs to cook some breakfast which consists of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and waffles. Once I finished cooking everyone came down and started eating. We ate and laughed at Ethan's ridiculous stories.

As we were on our way outside all four of us decided to take our motorbikes.

It only took about ten minutes judging by how fast we were going but anyways, we got to the packhouse and once again we were greeted by people's warm smiles and hello's. It only took about ten minutes judging by how fast we were going but anyways, we got to the packhouse and once again we were greeted by people's warm smiles and hello's. We reached Uncle's office and saw Uncle Rock, Aunt Evie, and a few other people.

We sat down and began the meeting.

"Hello I am head warrior Kyle"

"Hi I am top warrior Drake"

"Hello I am Beta Blake"

"Hello I am Delta Brice"

Each person introduced themselves. Now we introduce ourselves.

"Hi I am Winter"

"Hi the names Nikesh"

"Hello I'm Phoenix"

"Greetings I'm soon to be alpha Ethan of the Fallen Darkness Pack"

Whispers were heard but we continued. The meeting went for so long. Until we finally agreed on some things.

Winter and Nikesh will be training the 13-16-year-old's.

Ethan and I will be training the pack warriors, head warriors, delta, beta, and alpha.

As the meeting continued the siren went off! Panic was everywhere. We rushed outside to see everyone gathering in the packhouse. A force field was surrounding the place. It was only a few warriors, the alpha, beta, delta, and Justin. Then we heard screaming.

I looked on my left to see two children running towards us. As they neared to us four large men came out of the woods and snatched them up. As I took a closer look at them, they all had scars on their faces.

"We have come to see the one they call Silent Killer, King Killer, and The Destroyer Twins!" One of them yelled.

"We have no idea who those people are!" Beta Blake yelled.

"Oh well! Unless they say they are here then my men will attack and these two little ones will die!" the other threatened.

My fists tightened. The smell of rouges was strong. I used my vision to see how many.

'Guys there are at least 100 max' I mind-linked

' Yeah!' Ethan said agreeing with me.

'we will tell them to release the children then we will deal with them' I said.

'yeah. I will get the kids to the alpha' Nikesh linked.

We all nodded at each other.

"First tell us why you want those people?" I asked.

"They destroyed 3/5 of my pack because I kidnapped a little girl that meant so much to them!" The man yelled.


The HAWC's daughter had been kidnapped for ransom and it was our job to bring her back. That night we demolished most of their people because Gwen was injured.

End Of Flashback

"Let the kids go first!" I yelled.

"Not until you tell me where they are!" the rouge yelled furiously.

"How do you know your not looking at them!" Nikesh yelled.

The rouges eyes held fear and the people around us looked confused. The rouge let the kids go and they ran inside. Stupid enough the few warriors, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Head warrior, and Justin were in the force field that Winter created around them and the house.

'Nikesh, Winter, activate our assassin mode and stay away until it ends' I linked.

They both nodded.

'When I give you the signal.' I said.

"Well, today is your lucky day! Tonight! All of you will die!" I yelled.

A series of roars were heard. Let the battle begin.